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mailbag: friends

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  • #46
    I live in Orange County, and through high school have gone through two years of physics, three years of computer science, and some honors math glasses. I consider myself an honorary Asian which is why I have no problem making fun of the small bastards. I am one! Even though I'm tall and don't have an Acura.


    • #47


      • #48
        yea, keep up that wit, cuz all this arguing shit is boring...i dont even know why im here. I think ill go camp or hack, or both at once, but not before I slap on aZn to the front of my name


        • #49
          if wer making fun of Asians at the moment...wen ur arse is getting a beating (on cs) by an asian remember they hav smaller penises that will make you feel a lot better even though there bound to go on 2 be successful in life and use their small penises mre


          • #50
            rizzuh wrote..

            I live in Orange County, and through high school have gone through two years of physics, three years of computer science, and some honors math glasses. I consider myself an honorary Asian which is why I have no problem making fun of the small bastards. I am one! Even though I'm tall and don't have an Acura.
            dont forget unbelievably obese :P


            • #51
              wtf, how do people know that azns have small penises anyway? azn man porn?


              • #52
                hey riz, where in orange county?i live in anaheim


                • #53
                  RzE lives at fat camp


                  • #54
                    Mr. T wrote..

                    RzE lives at fat camp


                    • #55
                      no its common knowledge do u nt watch south park? ive also seen a documentary on the whole thing(i was baby sitting they dont hav cable) they hav on average 1.5 inch shorter 1s than western males.god this comment is going to make me sound gay but it has to be said


                      • #56
                        oh yes, and south park tells th truth


                        • #57
                          Roger wrote..

                          Hmm... Hey, i'm mexican. I live in houston texas and my cousins play cs.. so that makes around.. like 6 mexican cs players in all houston. Oh yea.. there's also alex, my other mexican friend, so thats 7 hispanic cs players. OH! can't forget my brother. 8 hispanic cs players.
                          LMAO this is so weird....... i'm also hispanic and my name is Roger! So that makes about what... 9 hispanic players???


                          • #58
                            no but i saw the documentary


                            • #59
                              you are gay, upgrade to csn and you will not be gay.


                              • #60
                                you are gay ????

                                this is a comment of a uneducated gimp who enjoys noshing on man meat and about becoming a CSN im off to go find ma credit card or better yet ma mams to sign up, and to get back to the mail bag subject i dont tell ne woman i play cs cos they wont know wtf am on about or think im sad.

