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More VAC Goodness

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  • #31
    Yes you are able to turn off VAC on your server. How? I dont know. But you can. If you type "status" in console it will say either "secure" or "insecure."


    • #32
      Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

      Yay,, dmbass question, dos VAC coem as standard on all servers? Or do soem people turn it off? Certainly supanet seems to be rife with pesky roach like cheats...


      • #33
        after some soul searching i have come to the conclusion that there are not that many cheaters anymore. some (not me) people are really good. i had a guy whining "hed sh0t hax" on my server last night. so i said "watch this, u jst hav2 aim at the head and tap" i got 3 headshots in a row. everyone one the server laughed.

        most CS player don't have the technical abilities to keep up will HL-guard and VAC. but i am just not as all powerful as i thought. when you play on a LAN with your public server, and have 14 ping you can pwn 90% of the pub-nubs. so you begin to think your God. you can't loose! it's your server. you must be the best. then when some CAL dude comes slumming your server using "player" for a name you think "he pwned me several times: must be cheating: ban him". the hardest thing about CS is having fun when you're loosing. i am going to try and play a whole map without looking at the score board once.


        • #34
          Simplex wrote..

          I have Pro too, and I've been getting alerts for a few months now. I subscribe to this feed and Slashdot. It's quite convienent if you ask me, except opening up the news item brings you to to the news page without the comments, but I can see why they (read: rizzuh) would want to do it that way.
          Yeah it makes everything so convenient. It's nice having the current weather in a good-looking format. I love everything about it. Can't wait for version 1.1, it's due pretty soon.


          • #35
            We're not going to list the actual cheats VAC will/won't detect, since there are many cheat developers and cheaters subscribed to these mailing lists.
            I find that most entertaining - I like the fact that Valve not only know of the various cheats, but have a direct line of contact with the authors - they just need to search the subscriber list for the email address. Essentially, Big Brother is watching


            • #36
              It's about time they started stopping the openGL cheats.


              • #37
                sickbits wrote..

                It's about time they started stopping the openGL cheats.
                It's called VAC wallhack block. It's really new. Like 3 plus months. :P


                • #38
                  -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                  . . . been banned myself the other day for 2 days . . .

                  I KNEW IT!



                  • #39
                    More VAC Goodness

                    That lovable Eric Smith, in collaboration with VALVe, has released yet ANOTHER VAC module. This one includes more optimizations and more cheat detection. As always, the servers will restart themselves and you'll be back up in no time.

                    And now, I do homework which I should have been doing instead of this. I do this because I care.[break="eric smith's email"]
                    *** This only affects Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers. ***

                    We've updated the public security modules again. The new security modules have more technical improvements and optimizations, plus added cheat detection/prevention.

                    Your Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers should update themselves automatically. Let me know if you have any problems with these security modules and we'll look into them right away.


                    Eric Smith



                    • #40
                      More VAC Goodness

                      I know you've all been on the edge of your seats waiting for the next installment of the VALVe Anti-Cheat. Well, here it is! This module detects even more cheats with even stiffer penalties for those nasty cheaters. Check out the link below for more info.[break="eric smith's email"]
                      *** This only affects Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers. ***

                      We've updated the public security modules again. These security modules detect a few more OpenGL cheats with increasingly greater ban penalties for repeated detections.

                      We're not going to list the actual cheats VAC will/won't detect, since there are many cheat developers and cheaters subscribed to these mailing lists. We'll continue working through the active cheats and will update VAC as often as we can.

                      Your Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers should update themselves automatically. Let me know if you have any problems with these security modules and we'll look into them right away.


                      Eric Smith



                      • #41
                        VAC's back, I guess. w00t!


                        • #42
                          Go VAC! Stomp on those hacks!

                          Does anybody know if this fixed the problem with hacks avoiding VAC?


                          • #43
                            Is this actually stopping the hacks? Anyone know?

                            Added @ [time="1050634816"]

                            Just popped over to some cheater forums and apparently there's a program that gets any cheat past VAC. But with this latest update it doesn't work properly. They can get into game but can't move, no ban though. Wonder why valve don't ban them? Maybe they accidentally broke the cheat.


                            • #44
                              I'm running LAN server, where can I download the latest VAC-modules? And installation instructions would be cool too.


                              • #45
                                I'm not sure if you can run it offline morrigu, maybe you can but I don't know how. It just downloads automatically when a new update is released. You could perhaps connect your machines to the Internet and only allow the VAC ports to work?

                                Anyway a simpler solution would be to use Cheating-Death instead.

