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More VAC Goodness

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  • #16
    I know you've all been on the edge of your seats waiting for the next installment of the VALVe Anti-Cheat.
    It's funny, because I think VAC is a noun, and can be used as a direct object, but "VALVe Anti-Cheat" is an adjective (specifically, VALVe is an adverb and Anti-Cheat is an adjective) to the missing direct object of this sentance. Try system. It's a noun.
    Exo wrote..

    My new Trillian Pro gave me a little popup alert thanks to news feed.
    I have Pro too, and I've been getting alerts for a few months now. I subscribe to this feed and Slashdot. It's quite convienent if you ask me, except opening up the news item brings you to to the news page without the comments, but I can see why they (read: rizzuh) would want to do it that way.


    • #17
      |Delta-V| Klutter wrote..

      the best anti-cheat is finding out the cheaters ip and setting up sub-7 on their computer and sending there personal files to websites. this works great if they have a webcam and they take pictures....of themselves...not fully clothed....then you send them to everyone and get their parents emails and let them see what there son has been doing. i bet you anything they stop hacking.

      what the hell?


      • #18
        No word on false positives, hmm. Guess this means I get to redownload my entire installation of Steam in order to fix whatever the hell is giving my false positives. Grrrrr, damn 56k...

        Regardless, just having been banned myself the other day for 2 days gives me a good idea of the frustration level that hackers will have to be experiencing, and this is a very good thing. I'm just hoping that not too many others have to suffer the false positive fate while they work the bugs out.


        • #19
          Seven001 wrote..

          That always happens for me. If there is an update while the server is running I have to kill the server and restart it. Makes me frown upon VAC even more.
          Valve released a fix for that problem. Check the old news posts for it.


          • #20
            Simplex wrote..

            It's funny, because I think VAC is a noun, and can be used as a direct object, but "VALVe Anti-Cheat" is an adjective (specifically, VALVe is an adverb and Anti-Cheat is an adjective) to the missing direct object of this sentance. Try system. It's a noun.
            VAC is a noun, you are correct, and "Valve Anti-Cheat" is a noun as well. It is a group of words acting to form a specifc noun (AKA a proper noun.) It can be used as as a direct object, but it isn't in this sentence. It is in fact the object of a preposition (of = prep). Note also the use of "the" denoting it as a noun.



            • #21
              who gives a fuck if its a noun or an adjective, its stops cheaters.


              • #22
                He took my advice. Thank you.



                • #23
                  -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                  No word on false positives, hmm. Guess this means I get to redownload my entire installation of Steam in order to fix whatever the hell is giving my false positives. Grrrrr, damn 56k...

                  Regardless, just having been banned myself the other day for 2 days gives me a good idea of the frustration level that hackers will have to be experiencing, and this is a very good thing. I'm just hoping that not too many others have to suffer the false positive fate while they work the bugs out.


                  • #24
                    |>SS<|BlackKnight wrote..

                    VAC is a noun, you are correct, and "Valve Anti-Cheat" is a noun as well. It is a group of words acting to form a specifc noun (AKA a proper noun.) It can be used as as a direct object, but it isn't in this sentence. It is in fact the object of a preposition (of = prep). Note also the use of "the" denoting it as a noun.

                    =) I'm honestly not trolling, but this'll probably get deleted anyway. I'm just in a stand-up-for-myself mood tonight.

                    I stand corrected on the preposition. You are right. But, I'm still staying with the fact that the VAC is VALVe's Anti-Cheat Technology.

                    And just because csn writers put "the" in front of something, doesn't make it a noun.


                    • #25
                      Uh guys, it's a freaking pronoun. You don't say "the" Rizzuh ate a Long John do you?


                      • #26
                        Gaill.arD wrote..

                        Now they should just stop announcing VAC updates all together but still release them, and then see how many cheaters they get
                        I fully agree with this. Let the announcement wait for about a week and see how many fall to the newest update.


                        • #27
                          Regardless, just having been banned myself the other day for 2 days
                          Call me idiot, but why? Why have you got yourself banned?


                          • #28

                            But seriously... I see cheaters daily. The only time I saw little or no cheaters at all was back when Cheating Death was first getting popular. As far as I'm concerned, VAC is fucking useless.


                            • #29
                              The Who? wrote..

                              who gives a fuck if its a noun or an adjective, its stops cheaters.
                              You, sir, have made my night.
                              penguin[ZeR] wrote..

                              But seriously... I see cheaters daily. The only time I saw little or no cheaters at all was back when Cheating Death was first getting popular. As far as I'm concerned, VAC is fucking useless.
                              Cheating in CS these days is nowhere near where it was in the worst parts of 1.3, where you honestly rarely found a server where at least one person wasn't using an aimbot/wallhack combo. Now I see wallhackers on occasion, but I haven't seen an aimbot for quite a while, and that's a beautiful thing in my book.
                              Helkite wrote..

                              Call me idiot, but why? Why have you got yourself banned?
                              A "false positive" is when the anti-cheat technology detects you as a cheater when you don't have cheats installed on your system. This has happened quite a few times over the past history of VAC, and many times the bans have been reverted if it's been widespread. Everything from weird video drivers (WickedGL drivers for voodoo cards used to get you banned) to 3rd party chat programs to having the wrong words as aliases have resulted in bans.

                              So, basically I'm going to guess that something in my CS1.6b installation got corrupted (Steam had downloaded something like 130 megs the night before), so I get to do the whole damn thing over again. I'm hoping it's just CS, and not Steam itself, that's corrupted, or I may have to redownload ALL the Steam stuff (I've got all the mods, including HL and op4 downloaded).


                              • #30
                                Yay,, dmbass question, dos VAC coem as standard on all servers? Or do soem people turn it off? Certainly supanet seems to be rife with pesky roach like cheats...

