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  • hmm they seem kinda strange. good 'fun' pack though. nothing really wrong with it, but i think the body looks too big for the head, i guess it could be from body armor.=)


    • Nicely done, but not pratical. What's the point in replacing mid-light coloured models (e.g. the defaults) with much darker ones that could easily hide in the shadows? Really, while these are nicely made, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot if you use them seriously. The slightly lighter ones don't blend in so well, but Mr.Dark Suit there is almost invisible in certain areas of de_dust2. And they're very blocky too, this is the first time I actually want a highier poly count.

      Overall, give them a go for a few rounds on Italy for a cheap laugh, but don't bother with them as a serious, perminant replacement.


      • little low poly for my taste but whatever, these are fun models, still look a little funky, great for some mob action though


        • The mafia pack as it is called, is not a very good pack, at least not worthy of turning cs_assault from a hostage crisis into uncle Tony torturing his enemies (the hostages) until the police can stop him.

          The models are very low poly, and you can tell in game. Plenty of pee wee's have a higher poly count than half of these models put together, and that is not good. The models look blocky in game, with jagged arms and legs. After viewing the model in HLMV, and comparing it to the default models, I'm confident that these are just re skins.

          Speaking of skins, the skins look like they were done in MSpaint. I'm not kidding either, in game ALL of the skins have very little detail, and they all look nearly the same, other than the jackets being slightly different colours. There's nothing to like about the skins, no sir!

          I don't really have anything else to say, there isn't much to say at all about these replacements. The only reason I would see someone using these replacements is if they really want mobsters as their terrorists (In that case, there isn't anything better, at least I haven't seen any other mobsters for CS) or if they have a really bad PC and want to use something low poly (I hate to say this to any replacements, but even the default terrorists look better than these, and have the same poly count).


          • I dont like it, what can i say....


            • Its just not that great.. To simple.. To plain.. I dont fear them...


              • Meh...

                It would be cool if someone made a texture that changed the head to make them look like the Crazy 88's XD


                • Nice...but they're weird for some reason/

