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  • Ok people, apparently we all hate valve so theres 2 choices..

    (1) go buy a plane ticket and hijack a airplane and crash it into the valve building.. wherever it is.

    (2)go buy battle field 1942 because prices are going down and there is good deals on ebay


    • Blankster, Planetside is good too

      #41, that doesn't usually happen unless you're running 56k or slower, atleast not to me anyway. For matches, I'd rather them just have all anticheat off cause all it does is give me extra choke, and if I wanted to, I could still wallhack. It blocks you from being able to see clean through the center of walls, but you can still see through the sides and corners, and if you're coming around a corner and know someone is there, that's a huge advantage.

      Or I could just stick to my tournaments and be assured no one is cheating


      • nice cs birthday cake


        • This new VAC update will be about as useful as the last updates... none. They catch a few cheaters here and there, but during the time it takes to upgrade the servers and restart them, new cheats are released and old ones are upgraded.


          BTW Gooch, you know VALVe destroyed themselves long before

          Steam... If they didn't buy off CS and now DoD, they would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.

          For VALVe, beta means they bring back old bugs and make new ones. All the cosmetic work and nothing that helps gameplay.

          When will they fix the M4 and AKs dominance over the SIG552 and Aug. All guns should basically be used about the same amount. Not M4 gets 20k kills, AK gets 15K and then galil and all other guns get under 5k. Obviously something is wrong if those numbers exist.

          Balance the weapons and fix the bugs before cosmetics. Thats the number 1 rule in making a game.



          • How about you stop complaining about the inefficiency of vac, and make your own damn anti cheat then.



            • Never heard so much whining. Bitch at them when they don't do anything, not when they attempt doing something.


              • when they attempt to do something, fail, and innocent people get banned, I think people have the right to bitch and whine.


                • entRo wrote..

                  when they attempt to do something, fail, and innocent people get banned, I think people have the right to bitch and whine.
                  You have made the serious sam mistake, read the news post again. Instead of insta ban for false positives, it will instead kick you but not ban.

                  However you're right in most cases if even the new method still doesn't work well.


                  • lopinboy wrote..

                    When will they fix the M4 and AKs dominance over the SIG552 and Aug. All guns should basically be used about the same amount. Not M4 gets 20k kills, AK gets 15K and then galil and all other guns get under 5k. Obviously something is wrong if those numbers exist.

                    Balance the weapons and fix the bugs before cosmetics. Thats the number 1 rule in making a game.

                    Well it looks like you think u got all the right answers than go make a damn game... sigh


                    • The AUG is fine, as well as the SIG. Just because you are good with it means nothing. Watch some Euro demos, or even demos of the hero of the day, Bullseye.


                      • #50, it WAS banning people for their RAM. Granted it's their fault for having retarded RAM but not everyone can afford nice hardware. Also we just have some morons who wouldn't know the difference between RAM and an orange sock.


                        • its simple really, shoot all cheating scum. Eventuayl Darwinian theory will show tht the cheat gene will be eradicated from the genepool, thus improving humanity greatly, Whilst we are doing some natural selection..(uhu get it?) we could maybe get rid of a few other annoying traits...'

                          (Only kidding)


                          • #51, why should I go make a game when people are attempting to recreate it for other games, like Q3, UT2K3, and BF1942. The only reason they aren't beating out CS is because CS was the first and everyone already bought HL or CS Retail. Why pay another $50 for a game like it? What someone needs to do is take the CS code and modify it themselves. Since CS is still a free mod, VALVe can't do crap against the people. Forget all those beta-wannabes, someone just needs to take 1.5 and recreate it, test it, and release it. Then make weapon balance changes and fix bugs.


                            • or in other words, maek, cs 1,6?


                              • orion wrote..

                                The AUG is fine, as well as the SIG. Just because you are good with it means nothing. Watch some Euro demos, or even demos of the hero of the day, Bullseye.
                                I'd say the AUG does need a slight tweaking. Of the assualt rifles it has the slowest rate of fire and the longest reload. Only counter balance to it is the accuracy is better than the other rifles. I'd just give the AUG the ability to do almost as much damage as the AK-47

