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    • Edited by [user="87465"] @ [time="1047695422"]

      ma bads.. now that steam upgraded, there's no problem

      hell yeah


      • I haven't been able to play for ages anyway...

        Some stupid error or other.

        Oh yeah, Steam Tickets... that was it.


        • I've had the ESC = black screen problem for soon long now, I just don't ever ESC anymore. Thanks to 1.6 new GUI there will never be that problem again. Wow, I hate ATI, I want a GeForce FX!


          • StealthMonkey wrote..

            I've had the ESC = black screen problem for soon long now, I just don't ever ESC anymore. Thanks to 1.6 new GUI there will never be that problem again. Wow, I hate ATI, I want a GeForce FX!
            You know, ATI is looking to beat nVIDIA and their hardware is pretty good, but their drivers are piss poor. I love my nVIDIA GeForce3, and despise my ATI TV Wonder. Look around how many software projects have problems with ATI drivers. bleh...
            Steam just released an update to fix the "backend problems". It doesn't seem to be completely working yet, since users are getting ERROR: No public CSes logged-in

            I know this is supposed to be a BETA, but it is a public BETA, and should be playable.



            • StealthMonkey wrote..

              I've had the ESC = black screen problem for soon long now, I just don't ever ESC anymore. Thanks to 1.6 new GUI there will never be that problem again. Wow, I hate ATI, I want a GeForce FX!
              ok --- so the 3.2 Drivers dont have a problem with 1.6?

              THanks for letting me know before I went to to update again ---



              • Steam is updating to package 3 it should work now!


                • I want to make my own "Counter-Strike Community site" I wonder if Rizzuh would setup a script that would just update my site with the info as CSNation releases that way I won't have to come here to get it?

                  Don't worry I would change the way it looks...


                  • that newspost should say "all server administrators who use something which doesnt catch hacks should upgrade immeadiately"

                    and ati's drivers have been getting better. i looked at the changelog and it said basically, dont upgrade if you dont have these games. there was nothing really new in the drivers.


                    • That Deadzone news site is actually the first decent cs-news-fansite-thing I've seen in a while.


                      • Steam is version 3 now, didn't have any problems with it...


                        • so it went from beta testing version 2 straight to version 3?

                          Raptor knows everything.


                          • Its still in beta test they just updated the Steam executable package to version 3 rather than update platform.dll which is currently version 8... Hopefully its an indication that they are getting close to final release, assuming they squashed the shield bugs...


                            • I haven't noticed the sheild screw up for a while. Then again I don't use it as often.


                              • Uhm does anyone realized on CSD, that it says you can be leet and his score is 14-12?

