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Article: (UPDATE 2) NSFW: Be Careful Sharing Watch Dogs 2 Screenshots, You Might Get Banned

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  • Article: (UPDATE 2) NSFW: Be Careful Sharing Watch Dogs 2 Screenshots, You Might Get Banned

    UPDATE on November 16, 2016: It looks like Sony has reversed the ban.
    I think we may have..won? I've got this support email backpeddling the bans but of course never admitting fault. Have Sony ever conceded a ban before? Also something must have hit a nerve because I never filed a support ticket but they're the ones contacting me.
    Your PlayStation Network Account Suspension -

    Dear Adam,

    You will have received 2 emails from PlayStation Network earlier today explaining that your account "(my PSN username)" had been suspended due to a breach in our Terms of Service. These notifications were sent to you incorrectly, and your account has not been suspended.

    Despite this, your activity on our platform by sharing offensive content from Watchdogs2, was a breach of our PSN Terms of Service section 5:

    "Do not share anything that is vulgar."

    Further breaches may lead to a temporary or permanent suspension of your account or console from PlayStation Network.

    We ask all our players to behave decently, respectfully and with consideration for us and other users.

    SIEE Moderation team

    I would also like to point out the suspensions were very real and I couldn't sign in to my account.

    Good on somebody at Sony realizing how absurd these bans were.

    However, it looks like Ubisoft is going to issue a patch that removes the "particularly explicit" material.
    "We’re aware that one of the NPC models in Watch Dogs 2 is rendered in a way that is particularly explicit,” Ubisoft said in a statement. “While Watch Dogs 2 is a mature-rated game, we apologize and will update this NPC model to make it more consistent with other NPC models in the game in a patch to be released this week. We also are working with our first-party partners to ensure that players can continue to play and share all content from the game within the bounds of the first parties’ respective codes of conduct.”

    Keep in mind that they said that they're going to update that particular NPC but the nudists in the game are... fine? Screenshots of violence are still just fine as well? This is so stupid. Every single bit of this is stupid.

    UPDATE on November 15, 2016: It seems as though Goron2000's ban has been extended to a period of one month. Sony extended the ban during a period of time that he was already banned from online activities.
    I got an email 30 minutes ago telling me that my ban is now 1 month because of a violation today. Bare in mind that I was banned yesterday and have not been able to make any new uploads since the ban and the only thing I'd uploaded in months was the single image this thread is about.
    We’re writing to inform you that your Sony Entertainment Network account has been temporarily suspended.

    We’ve made this decision based on your online activity in Live from PlayStation on 15-11-2016.

    The suspension will last 1 month and will be lifted on 15-12-2016. You won’t be able to access online multiplayer, PlayStation Store and other network features until the suspension is over.

    We take the decision to suspend an account very seriously, and we only do so after one of our moderators has carefully analysed the situation. PlayStation Support therefore cannot overturn this moderation decision.

    We ask all our players to act decently, respectfully and with consideration for us and other players while using PlayStation Network. To make sure you understand the behaviour we expect from our community, please review the Code of Conduct here before returning to PlayStation Network. Please be aware that any further breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in a longer suspension or even a permanent ban.

    Yours sincerely,

    SIEE Moderation
    Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
    I'm really disappointed right now.

    Sony, what the hell are you doing here? You banned someone without any good reason for a week and then extend it to a month "based on (their) online activity" when they're in the middle of being banned from online activity? This is just sad.

    Original: If you're busy playing Watch Dogs 2 on your PlayStation 4 or even your shiny new PlayStation 4 Pro, you may want to be careful with what you share. At least one user, Goron2000 on NeoGAF, says that they were banned from PlayStation Network for sharing a screenshot from Watch Dogs 2 that shows a bit of nudity.

    The image in question (NSFW, duh) was posted to the user's Twitter account. In doing this, the image was also shared in the "What's New?" feed for their friends and others to see. The image was then either reported by other users or Sony picked up on it on their own because the next day Goron2000 found himself banned.
    I took a picture of this funny oversight with the ingame camera and shared it on twitter for my friends to see and I posted it in one of the Watch Dogs early release threads on here. Cut to tonight where I can't access any services while playing the game and then when I tried to sign in there was a very brief message about my account being suspended.

    I checked my emails and this is what I have received from Sony:
    We’re writing to inform you that your Sony Entertainment Network account has been temporarily suspended.

    We’ve made this decision based on your online activity in Live from PlayStation on 14-11-2016.

    Content of an adult or sexual nature is against our Code of Conduct.

    The suspension will last 1 week and will be lifted on 21-11-2016. You won’t be able to access online multiplayer, PlayStation Store and other network features until the suspension is over.

    We take the decision to suspend an account very seriously, and we only do so after one of our moderators has carefully analysed the situation. PlayStation Support therefore cannot overturn this moderation decision.

    We ask all our players to act decently, respectfully and with consideration for us and other players while using PlayStation Network. To make sure you understand the behaviour we expect from our community, please review the Code of Conduct here before returning to PlayStation Network. Please be aware that any further breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in a longer suspension or even a permanent ban.

    Yours sincerely,

    SIEE Moderation

    Sure, it's a vagina being shown where you aren't exactly expecting one to be seen, but you have to keep in mind that there are literal nudists (NSFW) in Watch Dogs 2. There is full frontal nudity (NSFW) for both males and females in this game, a game that was already vetted by the ESRB and other similar boards. Seems a bit odd for Sony to ban someone for sharing an image like this, no? I cannot really recall hearing of bans dished out for screenshots snapped in Grand Theft Auto V, another game that features quite a bit of nudity.

    It might be a good idea to play it safe if you absolutely must take these kinds of shots. Snap the picture and then transfer it via USB to your computer and upload it there. That way it won't have a chance to be caught by Sony in the What's New feed and you won't be banned.

    Of course, an even better move would be for people not to be banned for nudity when sharing images of death and destruction are a-ok!