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GRIP Kickstarter Cancelled but Lives on in Early Access

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  • GRIP Kickstarter Cancelled but Lives on in Early Access

    A Kickstarter for the spiritual successor to Rollcage, called GRIP, has been cancelled by the developers. Developer Caged Element decided to pull the plug after the game raised only about $154,000 out of the $657,000 (CAD) it was seeking from crowd funding.
    Yes, we realized a while ago (as did many of you) that things were not looking positive for reaching our funding goal. That said, we continued to push. We released a new action-packed trailer. We did interviews. We tweeted, emailed and posted everywhere we could. Sadly, we just did not receive the exposure we needed to maintain the momentum after you all gave the campaign such a fantastic start.

    Are we disappointed in the performance of the Kickstarter? Sure.

    Is an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign going to stop us from making this game for you?


    The good news is, we have a great plan for moving forward, and we're very excited with the direction we're about to take. We're hoping you'll continue to support us in our journey together.

    What is happening with GRIP then? Well, it's going to hit up Steam Early Access.
    Early access will allow us to truly focus on development, while giving the players the power to change the shape of the game as it's being made.

    Community feedback will be essential in GRIP's continued development, and we like it that way. This is how we envisioned this project to play out from its inception, which is why we're so excited about this new plan.

    The team has set up a PayPal/Stripe campaign on their website that will allow you to buy an Early Access code ahead of time. The team says that the new build will be on Steam "no later than November 30, 2015."
