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Valve May Have Quietly Soft Launched Source 2 Last Night

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  • Valve May Have Quietly Soft Launched Source 2 Last Night

    Last night, Valve released the Dota 2 Workshop Tools alpha. Included was a new version of the Hammer editor, something modders haven't seen in ages.

    That's all well and good, but what wasn't apparent is that included in the tools are numerous references to Source Engine 2, or Source 2 for short. In addition to this, the additional ~5.5GB of Dota 2 that you need to download in addition to the new tools? It's running on Source 2.

    Reddit user RoyAwesome, gives a breakdown of some of the discoveries found in these new tools and Source 2.
    Everything that would share a name with Source is named '...2'. That's 'engine2.dll', 'vconsole2.exe', 'vphysics2.dll'.

    When you go to open a map in Hammer, it asks for .vmap files. One of the other options is '.vmf (Source 1.0)' files. Screenshot (thanks /u/darkmio)

    The console is redone.

    There is a new Key-Value like format (that i'm gonna call KV2). It is type safe. It looks like this: EDIT: Looks like my name isn't going to stick. The engine calls them 'Schema Files', written by CSchemaTextWriter.

    EDIT2 (Probably the strongest evidence): That script also allows for different dlls to load and render different assets (vmaps are rendered by worldrenderer.dll, etc). This is a completely new architecture from Valves previous system. This bit alone would indicate a significant amount of engine work has been done to split these bits out of the engine and into their own libraries. That means the engine is also completely plug-and-play with new engine level components if valve creates them for different games. This is pretty freaking huge.

    EDIT3: lol, source2 apparently support fax machines.

    EDIT4: from /u/nellody: notice the 'source2' in the path.

    EDIT: the general consensus around the source reverse engineering community is that this is really source 2.

    That new console that was mentioned? NeoGAF user homelol provided an example of the new and very colorful console.

    All of this may also tie in tightly with why the system requirements for the Dota 2 Workshop Tools alpha release require a 64-bit OS and a DirectX 11 capable card. At this stage, it is entirely possible that Source 2 simply isn't optimized in the slightest for a wider array of hardware configurations.

    In short, Valve just gave the world Source 2 without really telling anyone.