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Swamp Continent Hossin Released for PlanetSide 2

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  • Swamp Continent Hossin Released for PlanetSide 2

    Hossin, the swamp continent that has been in development for quite some time, has finally been released for PlanetSide 2. Hossin is completely free but is still considered a work in progress, so don't freak out too much when you find yourself wedged in a slightly elevated bridge or something.

    "Hossin is a massive new continent that will introduce an entirely new type of battle experience to PlanetSide 2. With its swamp-like terrain and natural barriers, players combat skills will be challenged like never before. Facilities and bases are scattered throughout, making infantry combat the most important it's ever been," said Matt Higby, Creative Director, PlanetSide 2. "Hossin adds an insane element to PlanetSide 2's ground / air combat strategy. We are eager to hear community feedback, particularly since Hossin will be continuously updated and enhanced for a long time to come."

    There was some additional features added alongside the Hossin content release.
    Outfit Recruitment - New streamlined process for building, seeking and joining outfits. Players can choose their crew, their way with this new recruitment tool.
    Outfit Base Capture - New "ownership" system where the facility / outpost is awarded to the top contributing outfit during capture.
    Continent Locking - Offering an unprecedented level of player control, the Auraxian population can now control which continents are open for contest, when those continents have alerts and when warpgates will rotate.

    All of this content is out now for PC gamers and will be included in the PlayStation 4 release when it comes out later this year.