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The Compendium Returns for The International Dota 2 Championships

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  • The Compendium Returns for The International Dota 2 Championships

    Just like last year, Valve is once again offering The Compendium for fans looking forward to The International Dota 2 Championships. Similar to last year's offering, for every Compendium purchased at $10 (USD), $2.50 of that will go towards increasing the prize pool for The International.

    Also just like last year, there are certain funding goals that players can strive for. Some of the bonuses already unlocked include a special edition HUD and battle point booster. Other incentives, not yet unlocked, include a new game mode, mini-Pudge courier, new music, new matchmaking, and more.

    Valve is shaking things up a bit this year with a few new incentives for those who pick up the Compendium.
    New Scoring System
    Earn enhancements to your stretch goal rewards.

    Every 100 points will level up your Compendium. You’ll receive extra immortal treasures, obtain new custom in-game effects, get bonus Loading Screens and increase your Battle Point Booster percentage as you progress.

    Higher level Compendium owners will receive various custom visuals, including modified teleport effects, base healing effects, and even new appearances for Bottle, Blink Dagger, and Dagon. These level up Custom Effects last until July 28th.

    As an added bonus, if you reach level 50, you’ll receive a special alternate version of the Mini-Pudge courier when the stretch goal is reached.

    The International Courier
    Lieutenant Squawkins reporting for duty.

    Once your Compendium reaches Level 4, the International Courier will be yours: Kunkka's faithful Lieutenant Squawkins, a parrot unique in all the lands of Dota. Continue to develop your Compendium and you’ll unlock alternate styles for Lieutenant Squawkins at Level 24 and Level 41. The alternate styles will be available at a later date.

    Evolving Battle Point Booster
    Take your game to the next level.

    You’ll see an increase to your battle pointer booster percentage as you level up. This item is unique in that it stacks with any other booster that you have active. The duration of the boost lasts from the time it’s activated until July 28th, with no limits on how many matches it can be used in nor how high the boost can go.

    Immortal Treasures
    A trove of special items.

    Once the Immortal Treasure stretch goal is reached, you’ll receive an extra Immortal Treasure every 10 levels. Each time you open a treasure, you will find a different item, with a chance to get an exceptionally rare item.

    Compendium Objectives
    New ways to compete.

    This year’s Compendium has several new objectives you can work toward to earn points. Take the 10 Hero Challenge, and try to win a game with each of ten randomly assigned heroes.

    Offer up your unwanted items for exchange with the Offering of the Aegis. Every week your offering will be collected and Compendium Points and items will be left in its place.

    Explore the new fantasy format. Each Compendium owner will be granted a ticket to compete in Dota Fantasy Season 1, starting May 19. Look for more details soon.

    There is a fairly in-depth scoring system for this year's new additions. Either that, or you can buy additional points starting at $2.49 (USD) for 500 points up to $9.99 for 2400 points.

    So far, this new Compendium has increased the total prize pool by another $1 million in just the past 24 hours. It now sits at $2.6 million and growing.