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Steam Tags Launches in Beta - Allows Users to Add Custom Genres to Games

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  • Steam Tags Launches in Beta - Allows Users to Add Custom Genres to Games

    Another beta has hit Steam today by way of the new "Steam Tags" feature. This new feature will allow users to assign custom tags to games and those tags that are most common to a game will be added to the store listing for those games.
    Now available in beta, Tagging gives Steam customers the ability to "Tag" any title with genres, themes, attributes, or any other term or phrase. The most popular tags on any given product will be surfaced on said product's Steam page and allow users to easily find other products associated with that same tag.

    As with the "Recently Updated" section launched last week, Tagging is designed to provide more ways to discover interesting content on Steam.

    Additionally, a related product section was launched today, making it easy to browse by any of the frequently used tags assigned by the community.

    Valve has added a new FAQ for the tagging system.