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Notch and John Carmack Voice Support for VR Headset Oculus Rift

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  • Notch and John Carmack Voice Support for VR Headset Oculus Rift

    Minecraft developer, Notch, is the latest developer to voice his support of the Oculus Rift, a VR headset currently kicking ass at its Kickstarter. Last week, John Carmack voiced his support of the device, even going so far as to say that Doom 4 will support the peripheral.

    Today, Notch sent out a few Tweets saying that he would be supporting the device, provided it works with Java. In which of Mojang's games will we see Oculus Rift support? How does both Minecraft and 0x10c strike you? Yes, you may one day get to virtually dig around a blocky world as if you were actually there!

    VERY excited about the Oculus Rift! Can't wait to start playing with it.
    If we get it to work with Java, 0x10c will support it.
    I can't promise Minecraft until @jeb_ has tried it. That's his call! If I like it, I will certainly "suggest" it.

    The Kickstarter for the Oculus Rift still has 25 days to go and it's already smashed its $250,000 goal. At present, over $1.372 million (USD) has been pledged for the device. If and when these hit the market, don't expect to find them for anything less than $300.

    (via Twitter, 2, 3)

  • #2
    Damn i'm exited now

