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Internet Freaks Out Over New Source Engine 2 and Episode 3 Rumors

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  • Internet Freaks Out Over New Source Engine 2 and Episode 3 Rumors

    Tucked neatly away in some Python files in Source Filmmaker are some apparent mentions of both Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and Source Engine 2. Facepunch user walropodes is (from what I can tell) the first person to note these mentions after he did a bit of poking around in a file buried deep within the SFM file structure.

    Episode 3 mentioned in /SourceFilmmaker/game/sdktools/python/global/lib/site-packages/filesystem/

    def content():
    returns a Path instance representing the %VCONTENT% path - path construction this way is super easy:
    somePropPath = content() / 'ep3/models/characters/alyx/maya/'
    global _CONTENT

    Continuing on, it was noted that at line 76 is a mention of "Source 2" which is an apparent nod to Source Engine 2.

    _TOOLS = None
    def tools( engine=’Source 2′ ):

    Of course, the Internet is already starting to get hopeful once more for the possibility of a new Source Engine or some signs of life regarding Episode 3 or Half-Life 3 but just take a step back a moment.

    As of the end of last year, Valve has said that there were no plans as of yet for a new Source Engine from the studio. They created Source to be modular and upgradable over time, which is what they've been doing for some years now. So either this is still Source but with some upgrades (likely) or it's an entirely new engine that is only a few months old (not quite as likely). It could also be that the two are unrelated and that Episode 3/Half-Life 3 will be build on Source, just a more updated version of the engine you already know. Source 2 could then be something the studio is working on for the next-generation of consoles that will not see the light of day in Episode 3/Half-Life 3 but rather further on down the line.

    Keep in mind that it is widely known, said, and accepted that the builds of the Source Engine dating from around the time Left 4 Dead 2 was released is known as "Source Engine 2". This was the case, at least, internally at Valve and later made known publicly as a bit of an off hand remark. So before the world gets set on fire by all of this speculation, it would be quite wise not to get your hopes up too much.

    (via Facepunch, Lambda Generation)

  • #2
    Re: Internet Freaks Out Over New Source Engine 2 and Episode 3 Rumors

    I think youre correct in your analysis, Zips. The internet infamously reads too much into things and ignores factual evidence from past experience every day. Ive seen people go as far as saying how honest and neutral they are on a topic, yet when you read all their posts about the topic, its obvious they are not being honest or neutral on the subject at all.

    If DNF can be released then so can HL3 or HL2:E3.
    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

