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Blizzard Admits Diablo III's Always-On is a Form of DRM

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  • Blizzard Admits Diablo III's Always-On is a Form of DRM

    The headline is ripped straight out of the You Don't Say! files. Blizzard's head honcho, Mike Morhaime, admitted that Diablo III's always-on and connected method is indeed used as a form of DRM.

    One other common topic we’ve seen in the forums is the always-connected experience, and the perception that the online requirement is nothing but an ineffective form of copy protection that has already been cracked. While we’ve never said that this requirement guarantees that there will be no cheating or game cracks, it does help us battle those problems (we have not found any fully functional cracks). More important to us is that the online requirement is critical for the long-term integrity of the game experience.

    He then goes on to say how he "fully understand(s) the desire to play Diablo III offline."

    I fully understand the desire to play Diablo III offline; however, Diablo III was designed from the beginning to be an online game that can be enjoyed with friends, and the always-online requirement is the best way for us to support that design.

    So close, yet so very far off the mark.

    He does mentioned a few good things, such as the upcoming 1.1 patch which finally introduces PvP into the game, and the 1.0.4 patch which continues refinement from the 1.0.3 patch. They are also adding in some high level, end game content but he did not go into specifics just yet.
