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Blizzard Limiting Created Games in Diablo III Again

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  • Blizzard Limiting Created Games in Diablo III Again

    In yet another effort to curtail the gold farming bots, Blizzard is about to re-enable the limit on the number of games players can create within a certain period of time for Diablo 3.

    We've further tuned and tested the conditions that trigger this limit to ensure, as much as possible, that it only affects those abusing the Diablo III game service in a way that violates the Terms of Use – for example, by using bots that create games in rapid succession.

    The use of bots not only impacts the stability of the game service, but it also has an impact on the player-driven economy. While we regularly take action against accounts for the use of unauthorized third-party programs and bots, this additional measure will help us further preserve and protect the integrity of the game and economy in between ban waves.

    Once this change goes live, we're looking for your feedback to help ensure that the limit is working as intended. If you encounter the "Input limit reached" message and feel you should not have, please let us know how many games you were creating and why. This information will help us ensure the limit minimally impacts legitimate players while still protecting the game against bots.

    We'll continue to tweak the game limit as necessary, as well as continue to go after the few cheaters and botters that are out there in other ways. Our goal is to help ensure that Diablo III continues to be a fun gaming environment for all of our players, and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback on this change once it goes live.

    Hopefully this ensures a better play environment for those legitimate players still playing the game. You ever think that there will come a time where it's only gold farming bots left playing and competing against one another in a cycle of auction house buying and selling that has no end?


  • #2
    Re: Blizzard Limiting Created Games in Diablo III Again

    I'm actually starting to think that the RMA was a really bad idea.

