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Valve Won't Change Policies After Recent EU Ruling on Reselling PC Games

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  • Valve Won't Change Policies After Recent EU Ruling on Reselling PC Games

    Last week, the Court of Justice in the European Union ruled that publishers cannot prevent gamers from reselling their unwanted downloaded games. It was a bit of a big deal and many wondered how Valve was going to tackle this situation.

    It turns out they're largely shrugging their shoulders at the whole situation. Valve's Jason Holtman explains the company's stance based on that recent ruling.

    "We don’t have any plans to change."

    Short, sweet, and to the point.


  • #2
    Good luck with that. Things will change.


    • #3
      Re: Valve Won't Change Policies After Recent EU Ruling on Reselling PC Games

      The other thread died pretty quickly, but what the ruling actually said what that
      IF endusers had purchased a second hand license
      THEN the publisher could not prevent them from obtaining an otherwise free download of the software in question

      It did NOT require the publishers to enable the transfer of licenses, or adress the selling of accounts.

      Baiscally it was about transferring ownership of time-limited Oracle licenses.

