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Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Trailer

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  • Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Trailer

    Valve has released a new video for their upcoming DLC for Portal 2, the Perpetual Testing Initiative.

    Introducing the Perpetual Testing Initiative (PeTI) for Portal 2, which combines the powerful, easy-to-use Puzzle Maker and full Steam Workshop integration. Available free for the PC and Mac on May 8th. Visit for more information.

  • #2
    Re: Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Trailer

    In my opinion if all the maps are going to look like that, either white for where you can put your portals and black for no portals, they are all going to look dull and it's quickly going to become repetitive and boring. I hope they give you the option to customize a little more and decorate maps like the ones in singleplayer are. For example: create those type of chambers where everything is destroyed and there are plants growing in the chamber. Or create those old-themed test chambers.


    • #3
      I love Cave Johnson. And this trailer (and all Portal trailers) is just a masterpiece.

