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Next Portal 2 DLC Revealed on GTTV

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  • Next Portal 2 DLC Revealed on GTTV

    GameTrailers TV's Geoff Keighley, just Tweeted that the world premiere of the next DLC release for Portal 2 will be shown tomorrow night on GTTV.

    Tomorrow night on GTTV, also look out for the world premiere of the trailer for the next Portal 2 DLC! Puzzle creator incoming....

    We already knew that the puzzle creator was coming, but let's just hope this reveal shows off more than just the creator. Something that we don't have to build ourselves. Maybe some new co-op puzzles? Those would be nice.

    GTTV airs Thursday night at 1:05AM on SpikeTV.

  • #2
    Question is ... will it be free?


    • #3
      Re: Next Portal 2 DLC Revealed on GTTV

      Originally posted by SgtMattBaker
      Question is ... will it be free?
      On PC? Almost a 100% guarantee it'll be free.

      No idea about the console versions.

