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Here Are All of Mass Effect 3's Endings; Compare Them for Yourself

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  • Here Are All of Mass Effect 3's Endings; Compare Them for Yourself

    If you really don't know what all the fuss is about concerning the endings to Mass Effect 3, perhaps this comparison video will shed some light. This isn't even the full ending, it's missing the segment just prior to this that is as far out of left field as you can possibly get.

    These do, however, illustrate how little difference there is between one decision over another. In fact, it shows off how little of a change there is between any of the decisions you made in most of the series prior to the end point.

    [spoil=If you don't want the end of the game spoiled for you, then do not watch these!][/spoil]

  • #2
    Different color explosions! OMG NO WAI!!!22!11! (trolling obviousley)

