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Is This Sim City 5?

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  • Is This Sim City 5?

    A number of allegedly "leaked" screenshots have surfaced today that seem to show off Sim City 5. These shots, according to a translated article, are not necessarily in-game screenshots but rather conceptual pieces.

    These images come courtesy of the Neogaf forums, which apparently pulled these shots and additional information from German gaming magazine, GameStar.

    In addition to the obviously increased level of detail in the visuals (running on an engine named "Glassbox"), the game is also focusing heavily on a co-op multiplayer that will have players and civic leaders working together.

    By the way, including SimCity 2000 Network Edition in 1996 offered a multiplayer mode to connect to the network and share materials with other mayors and cooperate in the development of cities or compete against each other. The new SimCity is based on this idea. We manage a region along with our friends, visit and share resources on land, sea or air. As in the solo mode, you can create a specialized city according to our wishes. We dream of an elegant residential, leisure and you need to find jobs and electricity? No problem, our friend might like to be the largest coal producer in the world.

    The addition of “the world” is to be understood literally: “There’s global leaderboards, where everything relates to economic production or raw material players can compete with other players,” says Katsarelis. Anyone can climb in the rankings, unlock achievements. For example, visit the lobby of City Hall to the building campaign of mine. If we agree, the new industry provides more jobs. But decisions are always a downside: increased pollution produces coal mines, casinos attract crime. Interestingly, even in solo mode, the prices of commodities are determined online gaming – good idea?

    EA and Maxis have remained quite silent on the topic of Sim City 5, but if these screens and the info turn out to be legitimate, it's looking like the game is shaping up quite nicely.

  • #2
    I gotta say.. this looks absolutely beautiful, that is of course if it stays true to its original gameplay.


    • #3
      if its the twin of Sim City 4 then i am game! i played that game back in high school like crazy, as well as i have it installed on my laptop

