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Guild Wars 2 Media Coverage from ALL OVER!

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  • Guild Wars 2 Media Coverage from ALL OVER!

    The media embargo for Guild Wars 2 was lifted earlier today and the number of videos for the game have gone through the roof!

    There are gameplay videos for all aspects of the game, from the YogsCast crew, to various Curse videos, to even some by Total Biscuit and beyond. We will try to provide to you a comprehensive list, both from videos we found on our own and from a list provided by Guild Wars 2 Guru. If there are any that we have missed, please let us know in the comments below.

    Yogscast - Norn Starting Area

    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4

    Total Biscuit
    Mesmer Gameplay

    Curse Videos from GW2 Guru
    Character Creation Vids This CBT brings us new faces, new hairstyles, tattoos and more.
    Human Character Creation (Male & Female)
    Charr Character Creation (Male & Female)
    Norn Character Creation (Male & Female)

    Starter Instances This weekend we were only shown the charr, norn and human races. We’ve managed to capture each of the starting instances for your viewing pleasure with the help of a mesmer, engineer and thief.
    Charr Starting Instance
    Human Starting Instance
    Norn Starting Instance

    City Tours Even though each city has its own Tour & Information Guides, we felt like we should go the extra mile and record a tour of each major city. Well, more like limp through each city because of frame rate issues.
    Divinity’s Reach

    Profession Skills Here are vids showcasing the skills for each class. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything on traits because I hadn’t realized that my auto-leveling to 30 included a book in my inventory to unlock the first tier. *sadface*

    Emotes Each of these videos contain the emotes that are in the game (in this order: /beckon /bow /cheer /cower /cry /kneel /laugh /no /point /ponder /salute /shrug /sit /sleep /surprised /threaten /wave /yes). I’m not sure if this is going to stay as is, but in order to direct your emote to a specific person or thing, you must target them/it and type something like this: /wave @ – the emote would change from “Kvinna waves.” to “Kvinna waves at Jenn.”
    Female Norn, Male Norn
    Female Charr, Male Charr
    Female Human, Male Human

    Achievements Last December, Eric Flannum wrote an end of the year article and included some new information on the achievement system. Today, we have a video for you that shows all the current achievements in the game, including a few titles you can receive for them.

    PvE Gameplay Unfortunately time ran out for us and we were only able to get PvE gameplay footage on a couple of professions.
    • Female Norn Mesmer [Part I], [Part II]

    PvP Videos Not only did we manage to get some WvW videos, but we also recorded a structured PvP match for each profession across all of the current maps.
    The Mists PvP Merchants
    PvP Armor Bank Slots
    WvW World Bonuses & Map Exploration
    Guardian (Structured)
    Elementalist (Structured)

    Miscellaneous: Gathering, Dye Merchant, Hero Panel, Minipets, End of Beta Event These are some of the smaller videos that were recorded to show off some of the things people might miss.
    Gathering Animations
    Dye Merchant & Map of Divinity’s Reach (Colorful Seeds currently drop randomly from mobs.)
    Main Hero Panel
    End of Beta Event

    There will, undoubtedly, be far more videos incoming throughout the week.

  • #2
    I watched most of these yesterday, I can't wait for it to release. Still don't know which class to go for, since I had a Mesmer in GW I'm thinking of taking that route again.

