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Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

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  • Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

    Something mysterious was teased earlier today by the Battlefield Community Manager, Daniel Matros, by way of his Twitter.

    New stuff happening. Good day today . Fans well be in for a treat later on.

    This Tweet was made at about 6:30AM today. It is now almost 6PM. Really, the only question remaining is this: WHY MUST YOU TEASE US SO?! But no, seriously, what could it be?

    My bet is that it will be the announcement of the return of the vehicle horns to Battlefield 3. Man, how sweet would that news be‽

  • #2
    Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

    It was probably this:
    Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


    • #3
      Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

      Beep Beep for my Jeep Jeep. As trivial as it is, that would be awesome lol


      • #4
        Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

        Originally posted by Anarchy1
        According to zh1nt0 it hasn't been announced, so I don't think that's it.


        • #5
          Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

          Based on alot of the tweets I have been reading my early guess would be Spectator Mode. Yippy...


          • #6
            Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

            oh god please tell me this isnt it.


            • #7
              ya know, I was thinking about BF3 Yesterday... WE were told that BF3 was going to have 7-10 times more the DLC that BC2 had. BC2 had 3 map packs released in the first 3 months since release. So far we have had 1, and no mention of anything else Why???? What about modding tools? I would love that more than DLC!


              • #8
                Spectator mode, maybe Battle-recorder. In one of his tweets, he mentioned that the African Nations cup would be better with spectator mode.


                • #9
                  I'm only interested if:1. It's a commander mode2. Mod tools3. Battle recorder


                  • #10
                    Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

                    I remember them confirming there WAS going to be battle recorder, maybe that's it?


                    • #11
                      I doubt there will be a commander mode, it defeats the purpose of having Mav's & TUG's and Silencers.


                      • #12
                        Meh, nothing will save BF short of remaking it so i dont really care.Wake me up when its 6 new maps to replace the crap we got sold.


                        • #13
                          Whatever happened with this?


                          • #14
                            Re: Something is Being Announced today for Battlefield

                            Zh1nt0 came back later and meant that big things were coming up soon*

                            *meaning he was trolling twitter again.
                            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

