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Guild Wars 2 Beta Nears as The Year of the Dragon Begins

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  • Guild Wars 2 Beta Nears as The Year of the Dragon Begins

    The ArenaNet blog just updated with some very special news for all Guild Wars 2 and MMO fans. As the Year of the Dragon begins in the Asian zodiac, so does the first word of the Guild Wars 2 beta beginning in the coming months.

    Guild Wars 2 has captured the imagination of gamers and media all over the world with its action-oriented combat, its living world full of dynamic events, its highly personalized role-playing experience, and the handcrafted artistry that suffuses every element of the game. Last year, thousands of you joined us at shows and events all over the world to try Guild Wars 2 for yourself. This year, you’ll finally be able to immerse yourself in the vast, diverse world of Tyria.

    We recently finished our first closed beta test, and we’re now ready to hold progressively larger events. In February we’ll invite select press to participate in beta testing, and in March and April we’ll aggressively ramp up the size of our beta test events so that many of you will have a chance to participate. And of course, this all leads to the release of Guild Wars 2 later this year.

    This news excites me in ways that only a Guild Wars game can. If you're as much of a fan of the series as I am, you will want to keep an eye on the ArenaNet blog, their Facebook page and the official Guild Wars 2 website for more information on how you can join in on the beta.

  • #2
    Can't wait

