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X-COM Creator Slams Remake, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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  • X-COM Creator Slams Remake, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

    Julian Gollop is probably an unknown name to most of you but he is the man who created the classic X-COM series. When asked by Edge Magazine about what he thinks of the 2K remake of his child, well, he wasn't exactly positive with his remarks.

    Gollop touches upon the remake, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and the also announced first-person game, XCOM, that is also in development.

    How did you feel when the firstperson XCOM game was announced in 2010?
    I thought it was a great shame because it was going down the same route as some of the previous X-COM sequels, like Interceptor and Enforcer - in other words, going completely against turn-based combat. It was a bit disappointing from my point of view and for many fans of X-COM. When from out of the blue we heard that Firaxis are doing a turn-based version, it's as if 2K are trying to cover all their bets.

    As for Enemy Unknown itself, he has issues with the fact that the game features a free rotating camera, doesn't like the apparent lack of deformable terrain, and wants to see a bigger push to more randomly generated areas.

    The interesting thing to note is that he dislikes how games are becoming more simplified compared to what they were but feels like changes that make things a bit more difficult on the player, such as the dynamic camera, should not be included in the game.

    Confused? You should be. Afraid? Maybe a little bit.

    However, head on over to Edge Online to read the two page interview with Gollop and see what the man has to say about all things XCOM (or X-COM if you prefer).

  • #2
    Old developer is old.

