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The 360 to Die For - Foxconn Workers Threaten Mass Suicide at 360 Manufacturing Plant

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  • The 360 to Die For - Foxconn Workers Threaten Mass Suicide at 360 Manufacturing Plant

    Roughly 300 employees at the Chinese manufacturing plant, Foxconn, have threatened to carry out a mass suicide after a request for a pay increase was denied by the company. Foxconn is a powerhouse in the manufacturing of Western goods, including products from Nintendo, Apple, Sony, and Microsoft. The plant in question, Wuhan, specializes in manufacturing Xbox 360s.

    Workers were reportedly offered a choice of continuing to work at current rates or being given a compensated dismissal. The company reneged on their promise of compensation to those employees who opted to take a leave and promised payments. After the company retracted the offer, those employees took to the roof and threatened to kill themselves.

    Various anti-government websites in China reported the case, which occurred last week. It has also been reported that the Mayor of Wuhan was called upon to intervene in the stand-off, ending the confrontation peacefully at 9pm on January 3.

    This certainly is not the first time such an incident at the company has taken place. Reports of anti-suicide nets being installed followed the deaths of at least 12 employees who manufactured iOS devices for Apple. They killed themselves in protest over the company's working conditions and treatment.

  • #2
    Holy shit..


    • #3
      Re: The 360 to Die For - Foxconn Workers Threaten Mass Suicide at 360 Manufacturing Plant

      Strange that Microsoft in this light does not intervene and agree to an increase in the purchase prices.
      As they are the ones who have pushed the laborcosts it is the only moral thing to do.

