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Super Meat Boy Sells 1 Million Units, Bastion Hits the 500,000 Mark

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  • Super Meat Boy Sells 1 Million Units, Bastion Hits the 500,000 Mark

    Big news for Indie titles today as word came in that Super Meat Boy has hit 1 million units sold.

    Fun Fact: Super Meat Boy past the million sales mark last month! PLATINUM BABY

    Super Meat Boy is the creation of just two developers. Primarily a download only title, it is also out as a retail release on store shelves in Russia and North America.

    Bastion also comes with some good news today as Supergiant Games revealed that their title has sold over 500,000 units across Steam and Xbox Live Arcade.

    Recent holiday sales on Steam and Xbox LIVE Arcade put us over the top. We’re happy to have this many people playing and to be in a position to make more games on our own terms. When we set out to make Bastion, a sales number like that seemed astronomical to us, so it feels great to have hit that mark. It goes to show that a lot of folks out there like what we’re doing and want us to keep going, which is great, because we intend to stick together as a team and do just that.

    Bastion took away a number of "Best of..." end of the year awards for 2011.

  • #2
    Re: Super Meat Boy Sells 1 Million Units, Bastion Hits the 500,000 Mark

    Great game, pain to get it to work, froze on level 2.

