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Man Wants Obama to Ban SkyRim, AKA: Won't Somebody Please Think of America's Youths?!

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  • Man Wants Obama to Ban SkyRim, AKA: Won't Somebody Please Think of America's Youths?!

    Oh hey, how's it going? Here's your stupid article of the day. A man in Tennessee wants to "ban the deadly videogame known as 'SkyRim' for the safety of America's youths." Even better, he started a petition on the White House website in order to gain the attention of President Obama! Yeah, there's a means to start your own petition on the website for just about any reason and most any citizen can do it.

    Whereas videogaming has proven to cause social, ethical and health problems in people of all ages,

    Whereas sexual perversion and homosexuality are threatening to destroy the Christian foundations on which this nation was built,

    Whereas a new video game has just been created that far exceeds any others in the psychological and spiritual damage it does to teens,

    We, the American people, today ask you,

    1) To enact an immediate ban on the videogame known as "SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.

    2) To seize and destroy all copies already in public hands and erase its presence on the internet.

    3) To prosecute the players of "SkyRim" to the fullest extent of the law.

    4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored.

    Best watch out! If this petition picks up another 24,990 signatures (as of this posting), then it will apparently have enough signatures to warrant a look from the President himself. There probably isn't too much to worry about though, he only has until December 24th of this year to obtain the remaining signatures. Then again, the Internet works in mysterious ways...

  • #2
    Re: Man Wants Obama to Ban SkyRim, AKA: Won't Somebody Please Think of America's Yout

    haahahahahhahahahahah i bet blizzard is pissed at his mistake xD


    • #3
      If the petition gets enough signatures the president will just "look" at it, and it's more than likely that the president has enough sense to pass it off as an annoyance and nothing to be taken seriously. I swear these moronic Christian freaks need to be exterminated.


      • #4
        wow lol at-least Bethesda doesn't have to worry about bad P.R. Can someone ban this guy from the white houses website though?!?!?!
        PSN: Xclusiveitalian
        Steam: Stryker
        Origin: Xclusiveitalian
        Twitch: Stryker218


        • #5
          What they don't know is the president is level 35 in Skyrim and plays it on airforce one during long haul flights :P


          • #6
            1 - All games produced by Blizzard Entertainment named "SkyRim" get banned? Okay. Since there are no games produced by Blizzard Entertainment named Skyrim, it's quite easy to ban them. 2 - Seize and destroy all copies, and erase its presence on the internet. See #1. Although how do you erase the presence of anything on the internet? Is Obama supposed to have the power of God, now? 3 - Prosecute players to the full extent of the law? The law says playing games is just fine. As in, players don't get prosecuted at all. That's the full extent of the law. Plus, see #1. 4 - National database of screen names? Oh, you mean Facebook. Done and done.


            • #7
              Re: Man Wants Obama to Ban SkyRim, AKA: Won't Somebody Please Think of America's Youths?!

              The ignorance of America at its best...or worst I guess.
              Twitter: @CptainCrunch
              Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

