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"Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

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  • "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

    For those without the beta yet, and even for those of you in the beta, you may be shocked and a bit saddened to hear that the "Ultra" settings are not available for beta players in Battlefield 3. This news comes both from my personal experiences with the graphical options and confirmation from PC Games Hardware.

    Battlefield 3 looks fine in the current status but doesn't set any new standards. The Metro map shines with many sharp textures that remember of Crysis 2's HD texture pack but also sports shimmering water and some areas with a low poly-count and low-res textures. DICE promises an "Ultra" graphics mode for the final version that is currently not implemented in the Beta. As for now, the performance barely fits the quality: Geforce GTX 570 and HD 6970 users "enjoy" the game with ~30 Fps in Full-HD (1.920 x 1.080) - as long as they're using the latest drivers. Following Nvidia's BF3 driver Geforce 285.38, AMD released the Catalyst 10.10 preview driver. Both AMD and Nvidia promise huge "up to" fps gains – and indeed, the game runs smoother with these drivers. GTX 580 OC owners don't get into trouble, with framerates over 40 Fps in open areas and drops down to 20 in heavy firefights.

    For those still looking to find a little eye candy, PC Games Hardware has a gallery of 75 shots from the current beta build that many are already playing.

  • #2
    What do they mean by:"As for now, the performance barely fits the quality: Geforce GTX 570 and HD 6970 users "enjoy" the game with ~30 Fps in Full-HD (1.920 x 1.080) "???The 570 is going to run Ultra at 30fps?


    • #3
      Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

      Originally posted by SgtMattBaker
      What do they mean by:"As for now, the performance barely fits the quality: Geforce GTX 570 and HD 6970 users "enjoy" the game with ~30 Fps in Full-HD (1.920 x 1.080) "???The 570 is going to run Ultra at 30fps?

      As of right now, in the current beta, what people are playing, which is essentially settings on "High" at max, GTX570 users get on average (in their tests) 30fps. On the Ultra settings? Good luck.


      • #4
        Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

        Noticed that High and Ultra looked the same, reminds me of the Ultra setting from BF2 before it was removed.


        • #5
          Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

          someone needs to try the lowest settings on a 1080P res and get some average FPS and see just how noticeable any loss in detail is vs FPS gain.


          • #6
            mistake "10.10" It's 11.10 preview Cas


            • #7
              And where can these AMD 10.10 CC preview be found?


              • #8
                Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

                Well I don't don't about you guys but I've got a GTX 570 and on both maps available in the beta I'm getting an average of 41 fps and most of the time I look at FPS while playing I get over 50fps, with all options set to "ultra" in the graphics options and all other options set to their highest.
                When the full game comes out, with optimised graphics I'm sure with reduced anti aliasing, the GTX 570 will handle it with the ultra settings on...


                • #9
                  Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

                  Originally posted by Boganimtor
                  Well I don't don't about you guys but I've got a GTX 570 and on both maps available in the beta I'm getting an average of 41 fps and most of the time I look at FPS while playing I get over 50fps, with all options set to "ultra" in the graphics options and all other options set to their highest.
                  When the full game comes out, with optimised graphics I'm sure with reduced anti aliasing, the GTX 570 will handle it with the ultra settings on...
                  Is this real life? When spambots learn to comprehend what they read, then skynet will be ready.

                  What do you think of the beta now, boga?
                  Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                  Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                  • #10
                    Re: "Ultra" Visuals Not Implemented in Battlefield 3 Beta

                    I can only play medium and maybe high with 560ti, but i sometimes choose meduim for smoother gameplay.

                    Mind you its hard to tell server lag from graphics lag sometimes lol.

