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Competitive Gaming a Big Part of Red Orchestra 2

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  • Competitive Gaming a Big Part of Red Orchestra 2

    Tripwire Interactive has some grand plans that are sure to please competitive gamers out there. Keep in mind that the list below isn't final, but it is a set of goals that the team is shooting for to be implemented into Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad.

    - RO TV 2.0 – a fully featured spectator mode (1st, 3rd and freecam) for broadcasting and moviemaking
    - SDK – full Software Development Kit and mapping tool out of the box
    - Demo Recording – fully supported, to allow for immediate inclusion in tournaments, LANs etc
    - LAN Support – the game is LAN friendly and features LAN specific functionality. TWI also plan to sponsor LANs financially for HoS
    - Custom Server Configs – Server configs are fully customizable, so rulesets areeasily created for organizations like ESL, Clanbase, eSports Portal, etc.
    - Fully Modifiable Gameplay – A host of variables controllable server side with abespoke server tool, to ensure balanced and fair play. This includes weapons,classes, game types, gameplay elements and scoring elements – back to the goodold days!
    - Client Optimization – Your own preferences are fully adjustable, including full key bind, HUD configuration etc
    - 10 Maps on release – 64 player maps which can scale down for smaller team counts i.e. 5v5, 8v8 etc.
    - Teamwork Based – Team play is integral to winning!
    - 6 Gameplay Modes – Including Territory, Countdown and Firefight… Conquest,Countdown and TDM!
    - Squad Leaders – Spawn on your SL just like Battlefield…

    Keep in mind that the descriptions of the above are all from a user at Rush-Zone that was privy to the above prior to it being public knowledge. Not all of the descriptions are precise but they should give you a rough idea of what each one means. In addition, not all of these are final and should be considered works in progress and goals that TWI has set in place for themselves.

    Even still, it's good news for competitive gamers who wish to have control over many aspects of their game.

  • #2
    Re: Competitive Gaming a Big Part of Red Orchestra 2

    Well I'll be getting this game...


    • #3
      Re: Competitive Gaming a Big Part of Red Orchestra 2

      I fear it will be overshadowed by BF3 at least at release because it will last longer due to the SDK (except if Dice release a SDK too which I really doubt).

