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Super Meat Boy Sells Nearly 600K, 400K from Steam Alone

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  • Super Meat Boy Sells Nearly 600K, 400K from Steam Alone

    In a recent interview with Pocketful of MB, Team Meat revealed a few interesting sales statistics about Super Meat Boy their hard as hell platformer released for the Xbox 360 and PC.

    Yeah I was talking to a friend, and he was like, “I’m probably not even going to play this game, but it’s only four bucks, so I might as well buy it.”
    That’s how Steam works.

    TR: Yeah.

    EM: It really pushes sales. And the funny thing is that money-wise we actually made more money on Steam than on Xbox even with those sales.

    What are the total sales number like on Steam?
    Just overall, we’re approaching 400,000. We can’t give specific numbers.

    This is coupled with the earlier reveal that there are roughly 200,000 sales through the Xbox Live Arcade version of the title making for a rather impressive 600K units sold for the Indie developer.

    Also contained within the interview are some revealing details on the 3DS version of the title, why the Wii version was cancelled, a Mac version, level editor, and much more.

  • #2
    That game makes me rage like no other

