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Rumor: PSP2 Just as Powerful as PS3, Due This Christmas

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  • Rumor: PSP2 Just as Powerful as PS3, Due This Christmas

    According to MCV, Sony is prepping for a huge PSP2 announcement on January 27th. Included in the big reveal will be the release period and raw power behind the portable device.

    Slated for a tentative 2011 fourth quarter release, Sony says that the PSP2 is "as powerful as PS3."

    The new PSP is expected to arrive within the Q4 period, perhaps as early as October, and includes a HD screen with twin-stick controls in the familiar ‘brick’ form factor.

    Sony has already consulted publishers about launch timings and the first wave of games.

    It is specifically requesting richer, more in-depth content to differentiate its device from app-centric Apple and Android devices.

    Plus, securing HD handheld games will help build launch excitement amongst publishers, developers and consumers over the next nine months.

    Sony is already plotting to reveal more at GDC and E3 after this month’s first tease.

    This PSP2 is separate from the PSP Phone currently in development. It is said to also make use of traditional retail releases for software as well as offering a large assortment of downloadable options for games and add-ons.

  • #2
    Re: Rumor: PSP2 Just as Powerful as PS3, Due This Christmas

    Ill believe it when I see it. Also I can't even start imagining what the price will be? $500 or above. That was the price point when PS3 first came out.


    • #3
      this just proves that consoles suck and all that old already technology could fit in my pocket


      • #4
        man this just, what the hell. i agree strongly with the above two comments, although not greatly ont he consoles suck part, i wont go as far as to say consoles suck. persoanlly i am a PC guy that also owns a console for select titles, and other uses such as the PS3 media server.

        But i find this PSP2 absurd, i mean as strong as the PS3? and the price tag is not going to be easy. also strong as the PS3, i am skeptical. very. that portable will be hotter than my laptop!

