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Pure Gameplay Action for Bad Company 2:Vietnam

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  • #16
    Re: Pure Gameplay Action for Bad Company 2:Vietnam

    Originally posted by Cdr
    The only things (in my list), that was confirmed as not being in before release were fixed wing and prone (and maybe unranked server files). The rest are things that should have been fixed (M16, CG / M203), or should have been working from the get go (joysticks).

    My post was just to balance out what you had. Something to show that DICE doesn't fulfil every request. In fact, I'd go so far as to say those that I listed are far more important than the ones you did. It's like they picked the easiest things to do, so they can say that they do listen to the community. I bet the majority of the community when asked, 'would you rather have mod tools, or SPECACT?' It wouldn't be the pointless new soldier textures that got the vote.

    I never said this should have been BF3, I just said that it's not really a Battlefield game - a few vehicles sprinkled around a map doesn't make a complete battlefield. It's more like COD or MOH + vehicles. Which, again, I'm not saying is a bad thing.

    I will add, that I'm not getting at DICE, or BC2 (which I do still play), I'm just trying to bring a little perspective to the discussion. A little balance
    Oh yeah, I agree. DICE did say no mod tools though, but you are correct about the other stuff.

    My point, and yours as well it seems, is that this is NOT a Battlefield game. Its a Bad Company game and Vietnam is going to be like that. I guess I just get defensive on the "argument" or perspective because so many people bashed the game because they compared it with Battlefield. It will always fall short if you do that and you are a huge BF2 fan.

    Originally posted by Minmaster
    it's because BF has been consolized now
    Yes, in that, EA/DICE is going the way of Activision. They would be stupid not to, for their own survival. We, as a global community, are not staying loyal to PC and there are way too many "casual" players to ignore. To be fair, even Valve is working toward making console games and I think they are more PC friendly than all the other companies combined.

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


    • #17
      Re: Pure Gameplay Action for Bad Company 2:Vietnam

      Originally posted by Cdr
      People wanted mod tools, they didn't get it. People wanted unranked server files, they didn't get it. People wanted the M16 to be put back to how it was, they didn't get it. People wanted a decent fix for the CG / M203, they didn't get it. People wanted an expansion pack that was akin to previous expansion packs, they didn't get it. People wanted prone, they didn't get it. People wanted working joysticks, they didn't get it. People wanted fixed wing aircraft, they didn't get it. People wanted a Battlefield game, they didn't get it.

      From what DICE used to put out, to what they currently do - they have become more like Activision in their approach to new content. Now, don't get me wrong, I fully understand that times change, but the fact is DICE set the precedent with 1942. The content that they did release (be it free or in expansion packs), was massive. As soon as you deviate from that, you will come under fire from the fans.

      Lag / hit indication - was fine in 1942. And the last couple of patches for that neither broke nor nerfed anything.
      They have given us a reason for each of those issues. Prone is something that would encourage camping, the M16 was overpowered, the maps are too small to have aircraft, mod tools for a game that runs DirectX 11 (you're kidding right, no game with DX11 has release mod tools, to my knowledge), and DICE has been swamped with all kinds of work because EA doesn't have any other good developers. And EA has started to become very overbearing with their games and how multiplayer is played (ie no unranked server files).

      The Battlefield Bad Company Series was a foray into console gaming. They had prior released a game or two on console, but was not a major success. Battlefield 3 may show up on console, but it will primarily be PC. They want to be able to use Frostbite 2.0 to its full potential.

      Before you start ranting, get some facts will ya and try and understand a situation.

