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TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

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  • #16
    Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

    I hope so too... and that my parents will let me download it. Might be okay now that we have 50gb per month... If not, retail it is, and a few gigabytes of patches coming my way...

    Edit: Is it me, or does this game have a feeling of longer-lasting than CoD has? I know it probably wont last as long as the previous battlefields, but I feel that this will even outlive black ops before activision pumps out their next CoD


    • #17
      Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

      Originally posted by 5t3v0
      I hope so too... and that my parents will let me download it. Might be okay now that we have 50gb per month... If not, retail it is, and a few gigabytes of patches coming my way...

      Edit: Is it me, or does this game have a feeling of longer-lasting than CoD has? I know it probably wont last as long as the previous battlefields, but I feel that this will even outlive black ops before activision pumps out their next CoD
      Well I'm definitely still playing it. I know I'll get a ton more hours out of it with the new maps and Vietnam thats for sure.


      • #18
        Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

        Honestly, for my self christmas present (my dad is out of work, and money is tight for the whole family so it looks like im buying my own christmas present this year) Im getting BC2. I was considering black ops, but Ill give a few months for them to sort out more stuff on the PC side (shouldnt hold my breath...). And Fallout new vegas is a singleplayer game so its not going anywhere.


        • #19
          Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

          Originally posted by 5t3v0
          I hope so too... and that my parents will let me download it. Might be okay now that we have 50gb per month... If not, retail it is, and a few gigabytes of patches coming my way...

          Edit: Is it me, or does this game have a feeling of longer-lasting than CoD has? I know it probably wont last as long as the previous battlefields, but I feel that this will even outlive black ops before activision pumps out their next CoD
          Im only 20 hours in to CoD BO's multiplayer and im already bored and have loaded back up BC2.


          • #20
            I almost got sucked into the hype of BO's and so glad I didn't and waited for Nam and mp7, for a fourth of the price and much more my idea of fun thx DICE!:salute:


            • #21
              Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

              Originally posted by 5t3v0
              Honestly, for my self christmas present (my dad is out of work, and money is tight for the whole family so it looks like im buying my own christmas present this year) Im getting BC2. I was considering black ops, but Ill give a few months for them to sort out more stuff on the PC side (shouldnt hold my breath...). And Fallout new vegas is a singleplayer game so its not going anywhere.
              Do not waste it on BO, it has been a real disappointment.

              Originally posted by The_Eliminator
              Im only 20 hours in to CoD BO's multiplayer and im already bored and have loaded back up BC2.
              I have about 55, it is just the same thing as MW2, no difference.


              • #22
                Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                Originally posted by 5t3v0
                Edit: Is it me, or does this game have a feeling of longer-lasting than CoD has? I know it probably wont last as long as the previous battlefields, but I feel that this will even outlive black ops before activision pumps out their next CoD
                Absolutely, CoD can be fun enough but it lacks different roles and equipment to explore. And with the latest game it takes zero time to unlock all the weapons and camos, so their is no incentive there.
                Although the games should be able to keep you attention just by being fun, I must admit that I always have spend a lot more time on games where you have some kind of carrot to work towards.

                The teamwork potential is also much better in BC2.
                It doesn't help either that the latest two COD games had poorly implemented MP.

                I am not aware of any game that can take the place of BC2 before BF3 is out. But I must say, I would like to see something fresh from a developer not under the heel of one of the giant publishers.


                • #23
                  Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                  Im thinking ill get black ops when its cheaper. When I get some more money Im going to finally hit up me some BC2. I think its currently $60 or so at EB games right now, whereas Black ops is $84 at harvey norman

                  (To americans, those prices are cheap btw. and the USD-AUD exchange rate is really close right now)


                  • #24
                    Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                    Us Aussies pay way too much for our games unfortunately.


                    • #25
                      Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                      Originally posted by 5t3v0
                      Im thinking ill get black ops when its cheaper. When I get some more money Im going to finally hit up me some BC2. I think its currently $60 or so at EB games right now, whereas Black ops is $84 at harvey norman

                      (To americans, those prices are cheap btw. and the USD-AUD exchange rate is really close right now)
                      Can you get the game from Steam? Would it be cheaper there?


                      • #26
                        Did you preorderd BF1943? if so get BFBC2 Vietnam for free............

                        just a heads up for anyone who preorderd BF1943......I finally got pissed enough when i realized it's been almost 18 months since i preorderd so i decided to do a live chat and get a refund and was presently surprised; and yes, EA did charge you credit card for your preorder, they dont wait until it's released like some people have stated, they have been collecting interest off of your money for the last 18 months.

                        When i asked for a refund the support tech was not able to refund the purchase because it was under $20 and i have since closed the credit card account i used to purchase it so he gave me a $20 coupon and said to keep BF1943 "if it ever gets released, lol" his exact words, so even the tech support knows BF1943 is vapoware but by doing this i was able to get BFBC2 Vietnam and the SPECATS kit for 50 cents and keep BF43 if hell does freeze over and it gets released but when the support staff is "lol-ing" at this thing ever getting released you know it's vapoware.


                        • #27
                          I got BO as well and it is a major POS at the moment. I bet they will fix it once everyone starts playing BC2 again. lol


                          • #28
                            Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                            Uhh... well... remember when I said it was expensive, and that I was going to buy it for my personal christmas present...?

                            Well, I uh, Found it for $28 today. Much rejoicing by me!


                            • #29
                              Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                              HA! Sweet! I know you live far from me, but add me as a friend and I will knife you from America

                              Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                              Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                              • #30
                                Re: TGN Battlefield Update and Vietnam Release Date

                                Ok, will do. It will make my friends lists for things like steam less depressing. It is also doubled with the fact that my internet service provider made the 50gb/month plan into a terabyte/month plan

