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Community Members Hit Big Pay Day from TF2's Mann-Conomy

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  • Community Members Hit Big Pay Day from TF2's Mann-Conomy

    Thanks to the recently released Mann Co. Store and the Mann-Conomy, five community contributers have hit a rather nice initial pay day thanks to Valve, Team Fortress 2, and their own talents.

    Five Steam community members participated in the initial round of content creation. Rob Laro, Shawn Spetch, Steven Skidmore, Spencer Kern, and Shaylyn Hamm created items for Team Fortress 2 which were then made available to other community members for purchase from the in-game Mann Co. Store. Today they received checks for the first two weeks of sales, with royalties ranging from $39,000 to $47,000 per person.

    "It's astounding that so many people want to purchase the items that came out of the community," said Spencer Kern, TF2 community content creator. "The response exceeded my wildest expectations. There really is no doubt at this point that there's a huge demand for community-created content in TF2 and, hopefully, more games will start to tap into this demand."

    Funds from sales of community members' items were to be deposited directly into their PayPal accounts. However, within days, the revenue that their items generated exceeded PayPal's cap on the maximum deposit size. While Valve made alternate payment arrangements for the others, two of the community members flew to Seattle to receive their first checks directly.

    Those looking to contribute for future updates should go to the TF2 contribution page.

    I'm seriously in the wrong line of work.

  • #2
    Re: Community Members Hit Big Pay Day from TF2's Mann-Conomy

    "The response exceeded my wildest expectations. There really is no doubt at this point that there's a huge demand for community-created content in TF2 and, hopefully, more games will start to tap into this demand."

    Yeah, more like, "I want more opportunities to make this much money". Wish I could model, I could really use some money like that.


    • #3
      Re: Community Members Hit Big Pay Day from TF2's Mann-Conomy

      Yeah, no kidding. I would make some amazing things if I took the time to learn to model :/

      There are some modelers out there though that might be drawn to valve games because of this. A very good move on Valve's part for the possibility of talent searching. Its all win/win for valve. They get free content they dont have to make, publicity, actually caring about mod communities, and a chance to look for talent.

      Twitter: @CptainCrunch
      Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

