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Competitive Multiplayer Was Cut from Portal 2

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  • Competitive Multiplayer Was Cut from Portal 2

    Valve, in a recent interview with 1UP, revealed that they originally had a competitive multiplayer mode included in Portal 2. However, due to it essentially sucking, the idea was quickly scrapped.

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    "Along with co-op, [we had] the idea of sort of a competitive Portal multiplayer," he said. "We went down that path, actually, for a little while and had something up and running -- the best way to describe it is sort of speedball meets Portal. You know, a sports analog. And it quickly became apparent that while it's fun for about two seconds to drop portals under people and things like that, it quickly just devolves into pure chaos. It lost a lot of the stuff that was really entertaining about Portal, which was puzzle-solving. Cooperative puzzle-solving was just a much more rewarding path."

    Probably for the best the idea was scrapped.

  • #2
    Re: Competitive Multiplayer Was Cut from Portal 2

    Not worth ruining the fan support for something that would end up crap. Can't wait for this anyway, especially coop.

