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Four New Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Trailers

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  • Four New Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Trailers

    Not one, not two, not even three new trailers for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days came out today. Nope, there are four new trailers focusing on the "dynamic duo" that came out today. One is a behind the scenes, "Intense" trailer and the other three are more gameplay and story focused.

    One video shows off a little bit of gameplay from the game's multiplayer "Fragile Alliance" mode. We'll include one gameplay trailer before the break and the other three videos after the jump.

    [spoil=By clicking to view the trailer below, you agree that you are 17+ and are legally permitted to view the content contained within as per the ESRB guidelines]

    [spoil=By clicking to view the trailer below, you agree that you are 17+ and are legally permitted to view the content contained within as per the ESRB guidelines]


  • #2
    Re: Four New Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Trailers

    just played the demo on my ps3 and wow
    i love it must buy 4 me here

