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Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

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  • Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

    This upcoming Friday (April 30, 2010) will hold a new episode of GameTrailers TV and with it, the first reveal of Call of Duty 7.

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    The episode airs Friday night at 12:30AM on SpikeTV. Technically, that is Saturday morning at 12:30AM but you know how things are.

  • #2
    Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

    Can't wait I'm Kinda hoping on a future setting no ones done it well yet IMO 2142 was ok ish... They'll proberly stick to the current format tho

    Can't wait I hope it shows more than the first mw2 trailer, just the sound of people in an elevator with the heartbeat type sound wave image. It was cool but I want to see somthing


    • #3
      Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

      Teasers bore me. But if it isn't IW and Treyarch actually pull a sweat this time... I may listen.


      • #4
        Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

        Call of Duty: Black Ops. Current speculation has it being a modern type game, I guess we'll find out tonight.


        • #5
          Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

          Call of Duty: Black Ops deploying November 9

          [UPDATE] Teaser Web site reveals launch date of Treyarch's next installment in series, rumored to be set during Cold War guerrilla conflicts; co-op mode confirmed.

          Though it wasn't supposed to be officially revealed until later tonight, the next Call of Duty game has been unmasked early. The official Web site of the game, subtitled Black Ops, went live this morning, revealing its launch date of November 9, 2010. The bare-bones site revealed no other details about the game, which is in development at internal studio Treyarch, which developed the 11-million-unit best-seller Call of Duty: World at War.

          [UPDATE] Activision has now officially announced Call of Duty: Black Ops, which it says will "take players behind enemy lines in an entirely new chapter" of the first-person shooter series. The publisher confirmed the game will have a single-player campaign, competitive multiplayer, and a co-op mode. It is unclear if the co-op mode will be for the entire campaign or of a more limited scope as in Modern Warfare 2's Special Ops mode.

          Today's revelation follows rumours that the next Call of Duty game would focus on either the Vietnam War or, as now appears more likely, various regional and guerrilla conflicts that broke out during the Cold War. Silicon Valley blog VentureBeat went so far in an article yesterday that the game would be titled Call of Duty: Vietnam, which is now obviously not the case.

          The Black Ops announcement is a positive piece of news for Activision's Call of Duty series, following weeks of negative press surrounding the franchise. Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward has been at the centre of Activision's problems, with over 26 key staff members resigning and many joining the studio's fired co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella at their new start-up, Respawn Entertainment. On Tuesday, 38 former and current Infinity Ward employees sued Activision for $150 million-$625 million claiming non-payment of Modern Warfare 2 bonuses and royalties.



          • #6
            Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

            Good find stilla, +rep

            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


            • #7
              Re: Call of Duty 7 Reveal on GTTV This Friday

              Just saw it. It looks awesome but so did MW2 so I dont know what to expect!

