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CryEngine 3 to Possibly Be Released for Free?

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  • CryEngine 3 to Possibly Be Released for Free?

    Crytek has grand plans to support the gaming community. Plans that may include giving away a version of its CryEngine 3 to hopeful game creators, much like with Epic has done with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK).

    Cevat Yerli, the CEO of Crytek, explains that their plans involve more than just giving away a map editor as they did with CryEngine 2 but did not specify their plans.

    When asked if Crytek's new platform - the CryEngine 3 - was central to this future strategy, Yerli responded:

    "Yes, but - to be frank - not as a mod. So far that's what we've been offering for free, and it's easy entry into the production environment. [But] we do want to make a standalone free platform that people can run independent of CryEngine that will also be up to speed with the latest engine."

    Nothing has been confirmed on this new push towards CryEngine freebies. There is no saying that the CryEngine 3 itself will be given away or if it will be a separate release created by Crytek. We'll certainly have more on this as it is known.

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    Re: CryEngine 3 to Possibly Be Released for Free?


