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Tag: The Power of Paint Team Employed at Valve

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  • Tag: The Power of Paint Team Employed at Valve

    Many members of the community had started to notice some similarities between the DigiPen student creation, Tag: The Power of Paint and some new features being added to Portal 2. In case you missed the list of Portal 2 details, a new game mechanic, "Paint", will coat surfaces in the game and various colors will result in different physical changes to the surface. For example, one paint color will cause Chell to rocket forward at extreme speeds, while another acts as a trampoline.

    Needless to say, those who heard the details about Portal 2 immediately claimed that Valve was stealing the idea of the paint from the students at DigiPen and their work on Tag. In Tag, the player uses a paint gun and various paints to change the properties of surfaces, much like what was just described for Portal 2.

    To clear up some of this confusion, I sent and e-mail to Valve to see what the truth was and a reply was received.

    As it stands, the development team for Tag: The Power of Paint are currently employed at Valve. No other details were allowed to be given out at this time. While this may seem like a "well, duh" moment to some, there were many within the community who were a bit up in arms over the matter. Hopefully this clears up some confusion.