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More DLC Coming to Left 4 Dead

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  • More DLC Coming to Left 4 Dead

    Valve's Chet Faliszek has just confirmed to CVG that more downloadable content is headed to the original Left 4 Dead. This DLC will neatly tie the end of Left 4 Dead to "The Passing" DLC planned for Left 4 Dead 2 in which the survivors from the first game meet up with those in the second.

    "We've got DLC coming for Left 4 Dead 1, following [The Passing DLC] that tells you how the Left 4 Dead 1 survivors got there," Valve's Chet Faliszek told CVG.

    "The whole of Left 4 Dead leaves you in a little bit of a mystery as to some of what happens - not least when you kind of see a little bit of the tail-end of the Left 4 Dead 1 story, as you get on your way to [L4D2 campaign] Dark Carnival.

    "With that, we actually have a comic book coming out between the two DLCs, which will help us give a little bit more of a back story to explain what's happening in the world."

    "We've always thought of it as the Left 4 Dead world, and having new characters and expanding that world and point of view. I'm a big fan of the idea that once fiction is created, gamers have it in their head and it's real.

    "I go back to when David Bowie created characters like Major Tom - he made [Major Tom's] world feel like it was real, and each song gave another version of it.

    "To me, that was really cool. We wanted to do that in Left 4 Dead: There are all these things going on in this world and its stories that feel real to players, so let's have them interact with one another."

    Yes, there are two pieces of DLC coming. One is for Left 4 Dead 2 where the original game's survivors partner up with the new survivors in some capacity. Then there is also the DLC coming for the original Left 4 Dead that bridges the story gap from the first game and explains how the original four make it down South.