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AO Rated Manhunt 2 Comes to PC This Week

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  • AO Rated Manhunt 2 Comes to PC This Week

    PC owners looking to get their sick thrills out without being censored will be happy to hear that an Adults Only (AO) rated version of Manhunt 2 will be released on November 6.
    For those who don't remember, Manhunt 2 was originally given an AO rating when Rockstar submitted it to the ESRB. To avoid the sales-killing rating, Rockstar then delayed the game to censor it slightly and earn an M-rating. But retailers refusing shelf space on the basis of ratings obviously isn't something you have to worry about with digital releases, so here we are with the game getting a PC release in the even-more-violent form Rockstar originally intended.
    For those of you who waited nearly two full years for your chance to play the AO version of this on the PC, I hope the wait was worth it.