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Brink to Have Dedicated Servers

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  • Brink to Have Dedicated Servers

    The CEO of Splash Damage, Paul Wedgwood, has promised fans that their upcoming title, Brink, will employ the use of dedicated servers on the PC. Beyond this, Wedgwood went on to describe a few of the game's features and gameplay mechanics.
    Set in an isolated island society in 2045, Brink is a squad and objective based shooter that blurs the line between single-player and multiplayer with its fancy drop-in/drop-out gizmos.

    Top priority at the EG Expo was to convey the game's SMART system ("Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain - thank you Bethesda marketing!"), which allows you to climb over objects at speed by holding a single button.

    Wedgwood also reiterated the Splash Damage message from past sessions, however, noting that it's "not an auto-pilot". You can always specify what you want to do with manual controls rather than relying on it.

    For example, you might choose to crouch and slide under a security scanner in the airport level, rather than running through and setting off an alarm or using SMART to leap over the top of it.

    Be sure to read up on more of the brief preview that Wedgwood gave at the Eurogamer Expo.

  • #2
    Re: Brink to Have Dedicated Servers

    Sounds very cool. Funny to see other developers jumping on to the 'we have dedicated pc server, you know!' bandwagon after the chaos of Infinity Ward.

    Game is looks very cool.

