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Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

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  • #16
    Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

    Nice 1


    • #17
      Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

      Quit with the ego stroking, Dice. You've made mistakes too. Lots.

      More than IW.


      • #18
        Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

        Well you're welcome.


        • #19
          Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

          Originally posted by [MyIS]Crrrazzzy
          these guys ROK <---- ya gotta be old school to get that one LOL
          Rise of kobol? :P ? I think i still have that on my HD somewhere

          Yeah, BFC2 is shaping up to be a pretty decent game so far from what they have shown.


          • #20
            Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

            Wow DICE>IW. Haha. But seriously, this sounds really good. I will seriously consider getting BC2, especially if the player count is at least 32 or more.


            • #21
              Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

              Originally posted by CtrlAltDe1337
              Wow DICE>IW. Haha. But seriously, this sounds really good. I will seriously consider getting BC2, especially if the player count is at least 32 or more.
              As far as i know its going to 40 people per server, which seems like the sweet spot, enough people for a proper game where you can get a couple of squads working together(assuming they do), yet not too many people that it becomes a spamfest.


              • #22
                Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                Originally posted by CossRooper
                Quit with the ego stroking, Dice. You've made mistakes too. Lots.

                More than IW.
                sorry to say, but imo dice isn't even on IW's level when it comes to game coding. COD had never had to deal with glitchy buggy gameplay like the BF games, and they've always been good about patching any issues (not that they have had much to patch in the first place).


                • #23
                  Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                  Originally posted by Minmaster
                  sorry to say, but imo dice isn't even on IW's level when it comes to game coding. COD had never had to deal with glitchy buggy gameplay like the BF games, and they've always been good about patching any issues (not that they have had much to patch in the first place).
                  But compare how much bigger BC2 is in terms of gameplay than MW. They are not on the same level of coding because one is a much, much bigger and more complex game than the other.


                  • #24
                    Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                    Will there be an option to have my own dedicated server? Yes, DICE will have trusted partners with datacenters worldwide that you'll be able to rent a dedicated server from ensuring you always have a quality server in your region.
                    So you can't host your very own quality server with your own line, but have to pay some datacenter to host it for you?


                    • #25
                      Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                      Originally posted by funkyorange
                      So you can't host your very own quality server with your own line, but have to pay some datacenter to host it for you?
                      Yep, thats the whole point of dedicated servers. Which is why PC users love the idea so much, as not everyone has a unlimited cap to host such a thing.


                      • #26
                        Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                        Considering a shocking number of PC gamers seem completely clueless about what dedicated servers are and what advantages they bring, I for one welcome this FAQ.

                        ps Alien vs predator won't have dedicated servers.


                        • #27
                          Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                          Originally posted by Scinto
                          Yep, thats the whole point of dedicated servers. Which is why PC users love the idea so much, as not everyone has a unlimited cap to host such a thing.
                          The whole point of dedicated, is that it is dedicated.Open 24/7.

                          If you have a superb server with a good connection, you would want to use it. But I'm guessing it won't be ranked, just like bf2.


                          • #28
                            Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                            Originally posted by funkyorange
                            The whole point of dedicated, is that it is dedicated.Open 24/7.

                            If you have a superb server with a good connection, you would want to use it. But I'm guessing it won't be ranked, just like bf2.
                            Well, you could run it but it wont be ranked like you said. If anyone could open a ranked server, stuff would be hacked so quick. Also, there is no point in saying "remove stats system", because a lot of people (including myself) love it!


                            • #29
                              Re: Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

                              thats good to know

