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Gears of War 3, if Made, Will Be on Next-Gen Consoles

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  • Gears of War 3, if Made, Will Be on Next-Gen Consoles

    Michael Capps, the president of Epic Games, revealed today that if a third game in the Gears of War series were to be made, it would appear on the next generation of consoles. Yes, it's already time to start looking forward to the next-gen consoles already.
    "We're very concerned that the next generation will be massively parallel and most engines won't be able to adapt for that," said Capps.

    "If there were a next Gears of War, that will be for the next console generation, whenever that is. If someone knows, please tell me! That's about four or five years away, I think."

    In a span of almost five years, how viable will the Gears of War franchise be? Is it the type of game series that has the lasting power to bring back huge sales numbers after almost half of a decade of nothing?

    Capps did reveal that Epic has been working on the Unreal Engine 4 for the past seven years now. This engine is slated to be used primarily with the next-generation of console hardware. Epic has also announced that they are opening new offices within Tokyo.

  • #2
    Re: Gears of War 3, if Made, Will Be on Next-Gen Consoles

    Wait, so GOW3 will be on xbox 23231230123?

