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TGS 09: MGS: Peace Walker Trailer, Screens, Demo, and Impressions

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  • TGS 09: MGS: Peace Walker Trailer, Screens, Demo, and Impressions

    Kojima made his presence known in a big way at this year's Tokyo Game Show. The man has been conducting interviews, providing new screens for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a demo for the game, and a brand new trailer.

    First up, if you're intested in obtaining the demo (and who isn't?), IGN has the details you need in order to grab it.
    • You need Firmware 6.0 on the PSP
    • Download and unzip the file below.
    • Install the file by going into USB Mode on the PSP.
    • On your computer go to the PSP folder, then the game folder, then drop "NPJH90063" into that folder.

    Nine solid minutes of awesome is below in the form of the TGS 2009 trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

    Finally, Sean Eyestone, Assistant Producer at Kojima Productions, gave G4 a brief interview concerning Peace Walker. A brief bit from G4's hands-on time with the game comes after that! There's plenty more Peace Walker information to discover, and you can find it all after the break!

    G4 had a moment to play the game and here's a brief bit about what they had experienced.
    The demo opens as Snake is training his unit of Soldiers Without Borders -- Snake’s new outfit -- which more or less acts as a tutorial level. CQC has also been improved as now you can throw enemies into each other and take them out. There’s also a new CQC move set called Continuous CQC where you can link CQC throws when surrounded by timing attacks correctly. Overall, for someone who struggled a bit with the Portable Ops controls, this new scheme felt quite comfortable and in practice was extremely lethal.

    On the story front, while trying to remain as spoiler-free as possible (for more information on the story, check out our Peace Walker interview hitting in the next day) , Snake gets sucked into the conflict by being introduced to Ramon Galvez, who is asking for his help in dispersing a mysterious armed force in Costa Rica. Snake is hesitant to get involved but is swayed due to the fact that Galvez somehow knows his true identity as Big Boss. Kazuhira Miller returns to the franchise to deliver jobs to Snake and a new character, Paz (who might just be the female lead in the game). The story will be told via in-game cut-scenes, as well as animated comic book art from Ashley Wood. Some cut-scenes will be interactive affairs, even more so than MGS4, where the user can move the camera to discover secrets and Easter eggs, or even fire weapons. Pretty cool indeed.

    The rest of their fairly lengthy hands-on impressions can be found over at the G4TV website.

  • #2
    Re: TGS 09: MGS: Peace Walker Trailer, Screens, Demo, and Impressions

    Thanks for the interview, haven't seen that one yet.

