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Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

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  • Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

    Well, more than one CoD community site has brought to their news table the fact that Modern Warfare 2 will cost more than the usual purchase price. I, myself, questioned the Gamestop employee three times in a row that I was reserving the PC edition, not the Xbox edition because he told me it was going to be $59.99...

    AndyB from Planet Call of Duty reports:
    The weak Pound and increased development costs have resulted in Activision upping the price of Modern Warfare 2 for consoles to a ridiculous £54.99. Whether you believe that explanation or not, the options are clear: 1) Don't buy the game (hah, right); 2) Shop around for deals from the likes of; 3) Wait a few months in the hopes of a price drop (unlikely); 4) Buy second hand; 5) Buy the PC version, which is £10-15 cheaper.

    He makes some good points about our options as a gamer, so what do we do? I have contemplated those same options listed above and I was thinking, do I cancel my pre-order? But it's a CoD game, and I love CoD games.

    Rudedog from FPSadmin has also noted this higher price issue with a quote from Analyst Michael Pachter from an article on Eurogamer:
    Analyst Michael Pachter reckons Activision's controversial decision to raise the price of Modern Warfare 2 has nothing to do with a weak pound as the publisher has claimed.
    "The price increase is a business decision," he told Eurogamer, noting that the pound is worth more today than when COD5 launched last year.

    "Activision knows it has a 'hot' game, knows that the market will pay an additional 10 per cent, and has decided to increase price accordingly."

    Pachter thinks the question of whether this is fair is "a difficult one" to answer. Games, he explained, are cheaper to buy today but contain better graphics, gameplay and online functionality. And the latter service, while free to users, costs Activision to provide - although Xbox 360 owners must pay Microsoft for the privilege.

    (Michael Patcher is a financial analyst for Wedbush Morgan Securities)

    Well, fellow CoD gamers, do we just sit back and say no to the price, or do we just give in and pay the extra like they know we will? Will this set a new standard price level for other games in the future?

    Click here for the full article from Eurogamer regarding the price hike of Modern Warfare 2.

  • #2
    Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

    Part of it is a damned dirty lie. WE have to provide servers on the PC for online functionality. Xbox 360 players pay for Live and still host their own games, the Wii seems to use a listen host system, I'm not sure how PSN works. Either way, they aren't providing anything.

    I won't be buying this one until I can get it for $45 or less. Sadly, people will still eat this up so they'll feel like they can charge whatever prices they want in the future.
    The ideal situation: people speak with their wallets and this sells like crap.
    When people are willing to spend $15 to go listen to Manny run his ****ing mouth about making movies and piracy and sit through 30 minutes of commercials and trailers followed by another commercial that lasts 90 minutes, corporations know they can screw consumers at will and they will be thanked for it.

    I can only hope they pay for their hubris.


    • #3
      Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

      More and more horrible news about this game everyday. Wtf is going on at those offices?


      • #4
        Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

        I say we boycott the game until they lower the price back down. Unless I have a lot of extra cash sitting around when it releases, I'll probably wait and buy it when it gets discounted.


        • #5
          Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

          I like these responses...I'm making a poll right now to get some official opinions. :thumbsup:


          • #6
            Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

            If you live in the UK buy it from

            Modern Warfare 2: Hardened Edition (Limited Collector's Edition) PS3 & 360

            Modern Warfare 2 PS3 & 360

            And PC Version comes in at

            And its FREE Delivery, I know where I'm getting my copy from.. :thumbsup:


            • #7
              Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

              Im not sure what that says about PC gamers other than they love us more than console gamers, lol.


              • #8
                Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                Originally posted by =d][b=Ausden
                More and more horrible news about this game everyday. Wtf is going on at those offices?
                Greed. And the Fact that they know people will pay for it regardless of the price.

                This Game is becoming more and more about how much money can they squeeze out of the consumer.

                On a good note, on 402's twitter he did reveal that they are currently filming Multiplayer videos.


                • #9
                  Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                  Do you all complain as much when the burger prices change at Mickey D's? or the price of a video rental at Blockbuster?

                  Hell, when I was a kid a burger at McDonald's cost less than a quarter.

                  I'll buy this game in a heart beat. The only thing that would concern me is the quality of the merchandise. I just want a good game. $10 more? Sure, I'll pay it and so will most of your parents.


                  • #10
                    Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                    Originally posted by Roamer
                    Do you all complain as much when the burger prices change at Mickey D's? or the price of a video rental at Blockbuster?

                    Hell, when I was a kid a burger at McDonald's cost less than a quarter.

                    I'll buy this game in a heart beat. The only thing that would concern me is the quality of the merchandise. I just want a good game. $10 more? Sure, I'll pay it and so will most of your parents.
                    Of course when burger and rental costs went up I didn't like it. Anything over what is needed to keep up with inflation is too much. They still pay their employees very little, so it's all about the people at the top wanting more, and knowing they can gouge customers.

                    I will say: I've eaten at McDonald's maybe 10 times in the last decade. I've rented a game from Blockbuster once in the last decade. That won't be happening again any time in the foreseeable future. When people irritate me with their greed and disdain for the people who keep them afloat, I generally do a pretty good job of keeping my money out of their hands.

                    And I highly doubt my parents will even hear of this game. They might see me play it if they come over to my house sometime.


                    • #11
                      Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                      I'm sure most other PC game companies will follow suit. MW2 will still sell like hot cakes.

                      *sigh* one less benefit to owning a PC.


                      • #12
                        Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                        I guess I'm ok with paying a premium for these games, especially games with a great storyline in single player. The re-playability of the entire COD series will last the test of time, and therefore is a good investment for any gamer.

                        I would have a problem paying this high of price for the Battlefield series, because there is no single player, and playability long term is in question because of the dependency on on-line servers.


                        • #13
                          Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                          Originally posted by ExitChicago
                          I guess I'm ok with paying a premium for these games, especially games with a great storyline in single player. The re-playability of the entire COD series will last the test of time, and therefore is a good investment for any gamer.

                          I would have a problem paying this high of price for the Battlefield series, because there is no single player, and playability long term is in question because of the dependency on on-line servers.
                          I would have thought it the opposite. A single player games holds maybe 2-3 times re-playability whereas Battlefield can be played for hundreds of hours and not get boring.


                          • #14
                            Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                            Originally posted by Alex98uk
                            I would have thought it the opposite. A single player games holds maybe 2-3 times re-playability whereas Battlefield can be played for hundreds of hours and not get boring.
                            Meh. I've gotten to the point where I despise playing with a bunch of scrotes that should have just been wiped into a Kleenex.
                            Teamkillers, runway blockers, forced teamkills, spawn campers, team stacking/switching, cheaters, glitchers, downloaders of artificial skills, squeaky-voiced loud mouths who hide behind the anonymity of the internet... :dead:

                            Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.


                            • #15
                              Re: Price Hike for Modern Warfare 2...Screwed Gamer?

                              Negative.. Not buying till this goes down. 77 USD for 1 game alone, no other stuff included? no thanks.

