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Amazon Reveals Mass Effect 2 Details

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  • Amazon Reveals Mass Effect 2 Details

    Thanks to a new listing posted over on Amazon, we now have some new details on BioWare's hotly anticipated sequel for Mass Effect. Below you'll find the product description given on the site as well as listed features. We've also included the teaser trailer that was released recently for the game.
    The second chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy takes you to the darkest reaches of space, where you must uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of humans across many worlds. Prepare yourself for a suicide mission to save mankind. Travel the galaxy to assemble a team of soldiers and combat specialists, and launch an all-out assault on the heart of enemy territory.

    • The second act of BioWare's epic sci-fi trilogy continues the story of Commander Shepard and humanity's first steps onto the galactic stage
    • Success - or failure - depends heavily on the crew you assemble and their loyalty to you and the mission
    • Stunning graphics and a refined dialog system will draw you into the story like never before
    • Numerous improvements to the intense, third-person shooter combat
    • Deep character customization options let you create your own vision of Commander Shepard

    You can check out the listing for yourself right here. Mass Effect 2 is expected to come out on Xbox 360 and PC in early 2010. Stay tuned for more news on this sequel!

  • #2
    Re: Amazon Reveals Mass Effect 2 Details

    Methinks that Amazon pulled this from the first game's bullet point of "features" and tossed in a few obvious things for the sequel that have been known or announced already.

