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*** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

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  • *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

    JD_2020 (Josh Olin), Treyarch's Community Manager for CoD:WW, has made an official update over at the CoDHub on some of the post-patch 1.2 problems people are encountering. Read the official post below:
    Hi all,

    It is clear that some of you are experiencing problems with the 1.2 patch. First, we apologize for any additional inconvenience this has caused. After some time reviewing the feedback, it is clear there are two main issues.

    Audio Problems:

    A select number of Vista users are reporting that all sound in the game is no longer audible after patching to 1.2. We will be including a permanent solution in our 1.3 patch. In the mean time, a work-around fix has been discovered, and instructions are located at this post:

    Mod Problems:

    While HTTP Redirect is fixed (so you can download custom maps + mods from the web, in-game) it appears some mods may no longer be functional after patching to 1.2. At first glance this would appear to be a new bug, but after some digging we determined this problem is actually with the mods themselves, and here is why:

    In the process of addressing issues for Patch 1.2, we had to add new DVARs to the game for development purposes. Modders, you know what we mean when we say DVARs. =) There is a hard limit to the number of server DVAR’s that can be used, for network latency (lag) reasons. So when you run a mod, the game DVAR’s load first, then the mod DVAR’s come second. If the additional mod DVARs exceed that hard limit, it will not load. That was the problem in a nutshell with today’s 1.2 compatibility. Since we added additional DVAR’s, the mods spilled over that max limit.

    The solution for modders – use server DVAR’s sparingly. When possible, set client DVAR’s. There is no guarantee we won’t add more DVAR’s in the future as these are a core component to our development process, so you want to prune down your DVAR’s as much as possible to avoid future compatibility hassles. We support and maintain our mod tools – however, we are not able to maintain compatibility with mods, nor is this our responsibility. By definition, a mod is user-generated content and must conform to the technical limits of the game.

    We have already begun work on a 1.3 patch which is slated to release this month as well. Along with /record, we will include a more permanent fix for the audio issues.

    More update will follow.


    Hopefully this helps everyone out. I also hope that the new patch can make it out very soon. This patch definitely helped some of the major problems and in my opinion the game will be closer to perfection after patch 1.3. I was not personally affected by the sound issue, but others were in our forums. Feel free to check here also for the thread in which are members are helping each other out with this problem.

  • #2
    Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

    Jeran, 1.2 was broke into two to get it to the PC people faster. When JD says theyve already begun work on it, its because theyve been working on it since the 1.2. They already had a chunck of it.

    Everyone forgets about the IW problems CoD4 had. Yes, they had some patches faster, but the thing is that it had a lot of problems as well. I hope you all remember this when you are crying about the problems in CoD6.

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


    • #3
      Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

      Nope, I haven't forgotten about the problems after patching with COD4 too. Nobody is perfect.

      I'm just glad 1.3 is coming this month.


      • #4
        Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

        One reason I always preferred PC games (it's not relevant nowadays) was b/c console games didn't get updates/patches. It's something that makes the game better usually after you've already paid your money. :thumbsup:


        • #5
          Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

          Tru dat


          • #6
            Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

            Originally posted by JoMaMaz View Post
            One reason I always preferred PC games (it's not relevant nowadays) was b/c console games didn't get updates/patches. It's something that makes the game better usually after you've already paid your money. :thumbsup:
            that is true however, it can create more problems too. i feel the some developers try to get games out as soon as possible to compete with other games and to get them out b4 major periods such as christmas; this is to get as many sales as possible. so they will intentionally leave out features or not fix obvious problems and just ship the game when they can patch it later. Many MANY games that have come out in the last few years have been horrid on release date because they just plain arent finished. codww is one of the games.


            • #7
              Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

              Originally posted by YewNork View Post
              Many MANY games that have come out in the last few years have been horrid on release date because they just plain arent finished. codww is one of the games.
              If you think CODWW has had a poor release, I can't help but say your not playing that many games. BF2 was ridiculously unstable, and the first few patches ended up introducing almost as many new problems as it would fix. A lot of us stuck with it, cause the core game play was soooooo good. But nothing would suck more then crashing to desktop in the middle of a dog fight, or armour battle. WoW had lots of server releated issues, so much so that we quickly ended up with a extra free month, during the first few months. Again everyone bitched and bitched, but stuck around cause there was something insanely good there.

              Some games do come out perfectly, homeworlds comes to mind. But alot require a couple basic patches. With the PC platform there are also more parameters, on the software and hardware level, so there is even extra problems, some which may crop up as the game is being developed or even post release.

              Some games like starcraft are STILL patched, and there are fan made patches.

              It's a reality of the medium, if you don't like it, pick up a book or watch TV, they got most of the bugs ironed out there.


              • #8
                Re: *** PC Patch 1.2 Audio + Mod Problems - Explained ***

                I seriously just :rofl: from that book comment. I do like books though. Sometimes though, they do need a patch as I find spelling errors in published books, tsk tsk.

