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Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

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  • imported_Rhino
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by Sir. Tasty View Post
    It is a pretty short sighted thing to do to judge a map before even playing it and the only glimpse you have seen of it is screen shots on low.
    not judging the maps gameplay before I've played it judging its quality. I give most of my feedback to other mappers via WIP screenshots they have made, ye you for sure get a better picture of the map and issues by running around on it but you can tell quite well from a screenshot how good the quality of the map is.

    Originally posted by Sir. Tasty View Post
    I think the early versions of Basrah are a good example, simply unplayable for lots of players (on any settings) If a map is not optimized well the I would say it has low quality. However, I do have to agree that this is 3 years later and most people will have better hardware.
    early versions of basrah lagged loads due to the way it was made. I spent a load of time with the map optimizing and now it is playable for many users. The map had many things wrong with it that had a huge impact on performance.

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  • =98=
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by ZARL0R
    I'd like to thank Total Gaming Network for their article on visiting DICE!

    I think we've all been very hungry for any scrap of info about what the BF2 patch will contain. First, we wonder for a long time if there's any patch in the works, then we hear there will be and it sounds like it's a simple bugfix patch for the commander asset hacks and maybe ranking/player bugs.

    You article gives us some real info about actual game tweaks (J10) and the mention of a new map! Great news, thanks again for the tidbits of info.
    You're welcome, nice to hear some positive feedback.

    It's exactly your type of gamer we do this for

    Have fun :thumbsup:

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  • [GCA]Tim270
    Guest replied
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by Rhino

    I do not understand why everyone thinks that the quility of a map has anything to do with performance...
    I think the early versions of Basrah are a good example, simply unplayable for lots of players (on any settings) If a map is not optimized well the I would say it has low quality. However, I do have to agree that this is 3 years later and most people will have better hardware.

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  • imported_Rhino
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by iQu'e View Post
    The DICE devs can't make their new maps technological masterpieces simply because it must perform well on older systems. The mod maps might look better in many cases but for a player with an old graphics card they would lag to hell and back while the vanilla maps run perfectly smooth. Think a bit and it will make perfect sense.

    They still only have relased a couple of low game settings screen shots so I don't really see the need to bash something you haven't even played or had a good look at.

    I do not understand why everyone thinks that the quility of a map has anything to do with performance...

    According to what you guys are saying Dragon Valley and everything else should be lagging to sh*t... These mods can be run by basically all users, PR takes a little more resources not really for its maps, but because it uses higher rez weapon textures and things like that.

    If you want to play maps/mods that use hardly any resources there is plenty of them out there too, with maps that dont have any light maps or anything like that, any low gfx user can run them piss easy.

    Why dont you try them instead of making assumptions on perfomance based on screenshots of maps taken on a PC with very high end GFX?

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  • [GCA]Tim270
    Guest replied
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    It is a pretty short sighted thing to do to judge a map before even playing it and the only glimpse you have seen of it is screen shots on low.

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  • ZARL0R
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    I'd like to thank Total Gaming Network for their article on visiting DICE!

    I think we've all been very hungry for any scrap of info about what the BF2 patch will contain. First, we wonder for a long time if there's any patch in the works, then we hear there will be and it sounds like it's a simple bugfix patch for the commander asset hacks and maybe ranking/player bugs.

    You article gives us some real info about actual game tweaks (J10) and the mention of a new map! Great news, thanks again for the tidbits of info.

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  • iQue
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    The DICE devs can't make their new maps technological masterpieces simply because it must perform well on older systems. The mod maps might look better in many cases but for a player with an old graphics card they would lag to hell and back while the vanilla maps run perfectly smooth. Think a bit and it will make perfect sense.

    They still only have relased a couple of low game settings screen shots so I don't really see the need to bash something you haven't even played or had a good look at.

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  • imported_Rhino
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by The_Falcon_6049 View Post
    Rhino, unless you can bottle time, most people won't play PR. Simply too time-consuming in my opinion (either wait for the A-10, or get blown up a thousand times groundpounding). The maps are good, but unless you fast-forward the game 10 times, most people are simply not into it that much, and past players (like me) slowly move on to greener pastures.
    I'm not saying everyone should play PR as it is not made for everyone. What I am saying is that you can find better maps than this and many more of them in the mods. This yes includes PR, but I'm talking about POE2, FH2, AIX, OPK2, USI, EOD and many more VERY good mods out there with all very high quality and fun maps with each mods having its own style of game play and there are enough mods out there with there own styles of gameplay to suit any player out there. I play many of the mods when I get a chance since there maps and the quality of the mods in general are very good. POE2 for exsample has many brilliant snow maps (as well as many other types) that you can not get in any other mod at the moment and some times I just like to play in the snow with my Russian made Anti-Material rifle (can't remember the name of it hehe)

    Originally posted by Sir. Elxx View Post
    And why are you guys judging an unfinished map by its screenshots? I'm sure if PR posted a mod update with some screenshots of a new map they were working on, and someone immediately went and declared the map to be rubbish, Rhino would be pretty damn pissed.
    I dont post up screens of unfinished maps, apart from the case of Muttrah (v2) and the only reason why I posted WIP shots of muttrah is because I made the call to remove Muttrah (v1) in PR v0.5 and as many players loved that map so much it would have been a huge disappointment knowing it was gone without being able to look forward to Muttrah v2. And I think you will find many of the PR players will agree it was worth the wait

    Originally posted by Greasy_Mullet View Post
    I am with Rhino on the quality of the map from the screen shots. It is free and that is great but so are mods and they have produced quality maps that push the BF2 engines limit and IMO blow away the Dice maps.
    My thoughts exactly, thou I do think many of the vBF2 maps have been very well made, many of the new maps are not worth talking about.

    Originally posted by predragjanjic View Post
    I agree with rhino at the same time too coz I know hes made some high quality maps but we have to remember, not everyone can play the game on high settings, Im sure some of those maps in those mods increase recommended requirements for the game to run nicely
    when PR dose require a little more resources from your PC, really most PCs these days can handle it. Not talking about running it on full specs but running it at low is easily done for a map like Muttrah for most systems.

    only 9% of players found Muttrah laggy which when I was making it with that kinda view distance I was expecting a lot more tbh before I got the testers giving me performance reports etc.

    Originally posted by Alex98uk View Post
    Actually, there are almost triple the number of people playing BF2 vanilla than mods.

    The complete opposite to BF1942 in fact.
    Originally posted by Greasy_Mullet View Post
    The number is much higher unfortunatly. If you put the players from all mods together, they do not even have 5% of the BF2 base. Even during the peak days where you had a lot of mods with active player populations they still hardly scratched the surface of BF2 players.

    As a modder that has been something we have debated 100000000 times. Was it lack of getting the word out to casual players? We mods just flat out rejected? Was it for a lack of support from Dice? Was it due to ranks and unlocks? Each theory has its merrit, personally I think it is a combination of all of the above with some weighted more than others.
    Ye, at one point in BF1942 with one of the DC releases I hear around 50% of players where playing mods. At times with new mod releases we have seen around 10% and 15% of players playing mods but it dose not say. It is a huge shame more players dont play many of the very high quality mods out there....

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  • Tobacco
    Guest replied
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    I'm glad that Dice is still supporting BF2, but throwing another map out that will probably get more play in IO is a waste of their time IMO. I won't go into a long winded explaination about how IO has no place in the BF series, but No Planes, No Choppers(none in the screenshots I saw) = no fun, again imo.

    That said, thanks Dice for addressing the Commander hacks, hopefully the Map(which I have not played yet..)is more fun than I think it's going to be.

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  • Kodakk
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    How can you guys celebrate that the J10 is going to be fixed? They specifically said they are tweaking 'maneuverability' - sure, it was more maneuverable, but that wasn't the problem. The problem is the relationship between the J10's hitbox, shape, and heatsource location which causes incoming missiles to suddenly veer away.

    Now look, before you all bash me for not enjoying the free content, it is nice to see and I am thankful for it, but I also have the right to see it through my own eyes. I saw 3 main points in the interview: 1) new map 2) J10 "fix" 3) fish...

    Now, the new map. Well... it doesn't look like my cup of tea, but I'm sure it will get a rush of people when it's first released. I'm guessing that then, probably a week or two later, everybody heads back to Karkand/Jalalabad IO. Now to the fish, really? There's absolutely no point to this, especially because there are so many other things that could use more attention.

    See me as cynical, but I don't see any reason for them patching BF2. It's been quite a while since the last patch, and they've released multiple games since. There was little mod and patch support when the community cried out for it (especially the mod support/J10 fix) - why do they "care" all of the sudden? The answer is they don't. it doesn't benefit them at all, so I'm honestly not getting my hopes up for any significant changes. Let's just hope it's an incremental patch :dead:.

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  • ElFipso
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    I'd say that getting a new patch for a 3 year old game actually is support.
    If BF2 were so bad none would play it - but there are tons of ppl playing it.

    So what more support do you want?
    New map every week?
    BF2 is a huge game regarding its age, yeah you may get better graphics in newer games, but the gameplay is unique.

    And even with patch 1.5 they won't be able to present us a completely new BF2.

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  • Dronetek
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Originally posted by Killerus View Post
    how do you feel cheated? They are offering a new patch with new "free" content. That's "win" in my book.

    Also how can you judge a map that you have not played?
    I feel cheated because this interview revealed nothing but the lack of support EA gives BF2. You guys are falling for the fluff thats meant to distract you from that fact.

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  • ElFipso
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    I think the map is quite good.
    Yes it looks old because all the structures are old too.
    But the map design seems promising.


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  • DontKnockIt225
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Was there any clues to whether DICE will update BF2 hitboxes? To a standard of CS:S or Cod 4.
    This is possibly the only thing bf2 is lacking. (apart from merging special forces with vanilla bf2).

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  • =98=
    Re: Total Gaming Network Visits DICE

    Well, the Diablo 2 patch made me lol.

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